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RC51 John

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Everything posted by RC51 John

  1. Thanks, you too. It's hard work throwing the RC around. I like the sound of that V4. Damn Justin that's harsh. Thanks for getting my back, though Justin the only time I was really in front of Justin was when i parked in front of him. I agree that hill was a cliff. I'm lucky I wasn't going faster or I would have hit that boat.
  2. I didn't think the devil road was all that bad.
  3. RC51 John

    my bike

    Aw, she looks so sad.
  4. Hmmm ... only a select few are allowed to use the RC51John mod. I cleaned it a couple nights ago so it's good to go.
  5. Did you order the Vodka and Sprite, Miss. Why yes, I'll be happy to apply your suntan lotion.
  6. Please, be fueled up before you arrive at Iron Pony. Kickstands up at 9:45.
  7. DIVX is a nice option for any DVD player.
  8. Sucks you have to work Sunday, I think you should call off on your 1st day of day shift.DancingCucumber.gif

  9. Yea, Ross looked like he was in pain. Drunkey McDrunkerson
  10. Wait your real name is Al Gore?
  11. (408): booty call (925): i swear to god if you come over i will kick you in the pussy.
  12. More like the ladies that join for the attention. Though there may be a crack down on some of the To be truthful it was Ross701's idea and he made one for me.
  13. (215): i got kicked out of Barns and Nobles cuz i put all the bibles in the fiction section
  14. Ha ha. That's pretty good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbn-tIRflbI
  15. Read it again thoroughly because you do not want to learn these lessons the hard way.
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