I think we should just avoid everything all together. Not just family details, but everything. You and I will never be friends (duh) and I really don't think we have anything to talk about ever, other than personal jabs and insults. The jabs and insults will always escalate to something more. Whether it be physical threats or bringing our families into it. I find that as unacceptable as you do. Just some friendly advice, although I know you don't want any from me.... you really aughta consider the possible outcome of your actions. If you piss off enough people, eventually you're going to piss off someone who really is a freak or weirdo, and that person will actually use the info that they can (and will) obtain about you. There are plenty of REAL weirdos in this world. They're not gonna sit around and bicker in a public forum with you. They're gonna show up on your doorstep.