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Posts posted by witttom

  1. Yeah, yam bag container is a BS comment... It's a description of your mouth - not a comment. I was telling you to close your mouth with a descriptive set of words... You're a smart guy, you know what comment means. You are the master at comments and even while I was banned over at your playground, you were making jabs that had even other members replying to you to knock it off. Comments are different than name calling.

    You're a dick. That's name calling. Get it?

    It's over. You don't get it. You've infected this site with your presence and now you're at your old tricks. It's like me arguing with a 2 year old. I might win, but all in all, I'm still just arguing with a 2 year old.

    Go ride the "twisties on the S4" and come back and tell us how great your Shinko tires held up. Maybe enlighten us after a "test ride" on an UM SV650 knock off. Oh, I know... why don't you tell us how many miles you've ridden this year - it'll make it so that everyone MUST respect you. You're an attention whore - plain and simple. You cry and bitch when you get picked on by someone equal or better and if it goes your way, you walk around as if you kicked their ass.

    By the way, attention whore was another description... Just in case you didn't understand.

    To everyone else, sorry for the rants. This guy is a complete and utter dick. If I ever met him while riding, I'd try and slow down to his pace so I could sit there and completely annoy the guy. Ride on his tail, stuff him in the corners, cut him short once in a while, etc. Make his day a great and lovely experience. He's that sort of guy... He might be 36 (doubt it), but he acts like a BMW rider in his 60s... Bitter and pissy yet all knowing about everything... Anyways, I'll try and pull some Cincy area guys on here. There's a few that are good guys. REALLY good guys that I suspect 95% of you all would like. Not like stiff dick here...

    I still think it would be fun to have Serpent and his boys invite him down to ride. Oh, that's right, he doesn't do that sort of thing... He's too good for that type of Hooliganism, right?


    You sure do use an awful lots of words to say so little. Maybe with some help, you might be able to work through some of your issues Bryan. I'd suggest going for a ride, maybe clearing your thoughts.
  2. But, if you want to stick around, cool. Watch the BS comments you like to throw out there. Here, they won't side on your part because you tattled. How 'bout this - you shut your yam bag container and we'll be good. Keep the BS comments a comin' and I'll throw it right back at ya. It's really your call. We'll see what you decide.
    There's one compliment I can give you, Bran, and that is that you're an expert on BS comments.
  3. I have a few twisties I have to hit with my Jog. It carves the curves like no other all the while spewing the scent of old race fuel...
    Stick with what you know best.
  4. yeah, fairfield township, basically hamilton...I havent had much time to ride lately exept commuting the last couple weeks, ive been so freakin busy. I dont really understand how thats gonna be bad?
    Other than some weekend moto trips down to Deals Gap and such, I've not had much time for riding either (other than to/from work, and that really isn't that exciting). My kids are wrapping up some of their Summer Sports which will free up some time, but with the time change, it will now be getting dark an hour earlier (as if it wasn't getting dark early to begin with). It's just nice to be able to ride home from work, jump off the touring bike and onto my S4, and head out for some twisties.... but with it pretty much being dark when I get home, that makes it difficult (not to mention the high population of deer around dusk in this area being hazardous to your health). Of course, the extra daylight in the morning will help with the morning commute, but I'd rather have the daylight later in the day.
  5. wow, hey if there are any ohrider newbies from cincy, and wanna say hey, dont let all the:bitchfight: keep you away, just pop in and say hey
    As I recall, you live in Fairfield (or was it Hamilton), right?

    The time change is gonna suck as far as riding any time during the weekday (for those of us that work till 5pm). That pretty much only leaves the weekends.

  6. They did this last winter. Made for a boring ride just trying to stay verticle with all the gravel.
    While normally the gravel would not bother me too much on my Trophy, I happened to be on my Speed-4 at the time when I came up on it. It wasn't just a few patches here and there, it was everywhere (corners too) and very loose. There are several other roads in the area, as I'm sure you've noticed, that have been freshly paved. The felt a little "greasy" at first, but over the past few weeks have become a dream.
  7. I'm not hospitable with a guy who cries and carries on to the point he essentially gets me banned. You have some magical powers over at Local. You got me banned pretty much and yet, you were sitting there making jokes about it and actually the root of it all. Yet, you got nothing, A slap...
    You sound like the kid in school that blames his "F" on his teacher. You got yourself banned. No one to blame but you. Simple.
    Do us all a favor, look all you want, but from here on out, you have nothing to say to me.
    I'd suggest taking your own advice, Bryan. You have nothing to say to me either.
  8. im sure i have, I dont exactly pay a whole lot of attention to street names (bad idea, I know) ill keep an eye out for it, im always out there
    Do you ever ride in the areas North of Reily, up around McGonigle, Oxford, and Hueston Woods?
  9. chris, have you ever been riding out in green/ross township? alot of short roads, lots of stop signs, but easily the best riding within a half hour of our houses. There are lots of parts with gravel, and jacked up roads, but for the most part theyre great roads
    Speaking of the Ross area roads, just a heads up on a lot of the roads South and West of Okeana and Shandon (particularly Alert New London). Recently gravel/patch sealed and VERY unpleasant. ;) My favorite road in this area though, Millville-Reily Rd, is still in great shape and clean. Ironically, it's between Millville and Reily. Duh, Hehe.... anyway, I'm sure you've been on it before. Only a few miles, but lots of nice sweepers. Also assuming that you know about Old Colerain (between Colerain/US27 and River Rd just outside of Ross), right?
  10. Do what you please. Funny how you wait until a thread that pertains to Cincy and specifically Localriders to post after such a long period of being quiet.:rolleyes:

    Shake the cage all you want Witty. Nobody here is gonna give two cents.

    Well, Cincinnati and LocalRiders are two things that are of interest to me. I suppose I should wait for a thread about Toledo and WERA? Duh. Thanks for the hospitality, Bryan. I know that I can always count on you.

  11. Guy has an issue with his carbs - most likely need a complete cleaning. So, with that said, get them cleaned. You can keep teh gas in the tank over winter - it'll be just fine. Just drain it in Spring and put in a fresh tank of fuel and start her up.

    No need for additives. Example, most racers put their bikes up in mid to late October. We usually don't get them out until April. So, we store them a LOT longer than a street guy does. All I have EVER done is drain the carbs, clean out the bowls, kept the fuel line disconnected and left the old fuel in the tank (Pump gas - remove race gas as it can hurt fuel pumps on FI bikes...). Once Spring came along, drained the tank, hooked up the fuel line and added fresh gas. Started right up.

    Stabil is great for boats and cars. No need for motorcycles. Unless you typically do not EVER maintain your bike by removing the float bowls. It's extra work, but it helps in the long run...

    He says he runs his bike at least once a month in the Winter. I guess he should drain his fuel tank once a month and fill it with fresh gas? For street guys who don't stop riding, that really doesn't work too well (if you park your race bike for 6 months out of the year, then that's a different story). Like I said.... It's not the perfect fix, but if you don't totally Winterize your bike, it helps. ...and like I said, a dozen different opinions.

    He already knows that he needs to clean his carbs. He's asking if he's gonna hafta do this every Spring. I'm saying that he's not, if he takes the proper precautions.

  12. how long does a bike have to sit before the carbs need to be cleaned?

    as winter approaches, I'm wondering if this is something i'll have to do every spring...

    I do run the bike at least once a month in the winter, but what's a "long" time? 3 weeks, 3 months?

    You'll probably get a dozen different opinions on this, but gas can go South fairly quick (it doesn't have a real long shelf life). Exactly how long depends on a lot of variables. ...and how long it takes before it gums up your carbs is also kinda tough to say. You can avoid it though (or at least help fight against it). If your bike sits for more than a couple weeks during the Winter, use something like Stabil gas treatment. It's fairly cheap, and it's easy to use.


    I'll usually start putting this in my bikes late in the Fall riding season. Rarely will one of my bike sit for more than a couple weeks, but occasionally through the Winter you have no choice but to park them. It's good to already have it in there and have been running through the carbs (not just treating the gas in the tank). It's not the perfect fix, but if you don't totally Winterize your bike, it helps.

  13. Where does everyone meet and ride from? What day(s) and time(s) do you meet? Lets start making plans for the warmer weather that will be here soon.

    I'd like to participate in some non-LocalRiders.com rides, somewhere other than the Eastside of Cincinnati (because that's where they all seem to be). ;)

  14. It's not the number of posts that makes a moderator, its the work the moderator does to keep peace and harmony. :!:

    Peace and Harmony. Pfff... hehe... At least update your avatar! 8)

    you're the only one so far from cinci. So how hard is it to keep peace and harmony with you and yourself?

    Well now that I'm here, maybe he'll have something to do. Hehe...

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