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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Primarily free Android Market vs Apple pay for everything, no skype amongst other things. Opinions of course and everyone's will be different.
  2. I love my EVO... The only thing on the new iPhone that sounds nice is the battery life and a very slight difference in the screens. Other then that, it has worse tech specs then the EVO so enjoy
  3. I believe people just had higher expectations for the show.
  4. It got pretty bad reviews in the shooting community. Hopefully the next one will be better.
  5. Do yourself, your family, and the rest of the people on the road a favor and sell your bike before you kill yourself or someone else next time. You've shown how stupid you are first with the lack of insurance issue and then trashing a 3hr old bike, then even worse, you want to weld stuff you know nothing about... YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY TAKEN OVER AS THE BIGGEST SQUID ON THIS SITE IMO. THANKS FOR THE THREAD THAT WILL SOON REACH EPIC PROPORTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . TROLL...
  6. Charge your battery... Try again and then get back to us.
  7. Best advice about 2 piece suits is to get a 1 piece.. Nuff said.
  8. Wanted to ride through Guatemala but ran into this little pothole. Almost bent a rim but lost the bike, truck, house, and a half dozen friends instead.
  9. Ill have my Evo at 8am... Giggity Giggity Giggity
  10. Cool but definitely not as hard as you think to accomplish if you know how to program and interface to chipsets..
  11. Dont forget youre not the only one looking for a back way. I had to jump off the freeway for a back way one time so I could catch my flight and the back roads were just as bad as the freeway.
  12. Youre wrong. Only the people that have the money to fight and actually understand what is going on that is wrong will fight. I would say 85% of the population this happens to will not fight due to the effort involved or wont have the funds to fight it.
  13. It doesnt matter. Its a ticket you will have to pay and will go on your record.
  14. That is pretty pathetic... As an additional FYI, This now gives them probable cause to pull you over to try and find something else to ticket you for. Example. Youre driving 25mph home from the bar Officer guestimates for his records youre driving 35 just to pull you over Officer now tries to get you for DUI, or at a minimum, seatbelt violation since seatbelts are secondary and they cant pull you over for it. Now you get a DUI or some other violation. Before this, the officer had to have probable cause, aka radar you for speeding, swerving (Camera would validate swerving) etc. But now, their visual estimation is now good enough for them to stop you. Complete BS.
  15. I worked in Cincy for 5 months and I have to say the traffic in Dallas is worse. Even with 6 lanes each way, it still turns into a parking lot. Dont look at the map and assume accessibility based on the # of freeways. I would suggest pulling up google maps and using the traffic view during rush hour so you can get a better idea of flow. At those times of day, put in your route and see what google says the time is in traffic and then add another 30%.
  16. From what I hear, you cant shoot now.
  17. Im there all the time. I was there last week actually. School districts, I cant answer that. If you dont like commutes, then you will hate DFW especially if you want a place with land. Dont even think about getting a place with land unless you expect an 1hr+ commute. All the highways down there are effing parking lots during commuting times. Actually, there is so much traffic down there that you can expect the highways to start filling a few hrs before work and a few hrs after. Not a 30 min traffic jam but a 20 min trip will take you 1hr+. Like I said, Im there all the time for work and I fly into Love Field and stay up in the Lewisville area. We go to FW and downtown for food, fun, drinks, etc, and like I said, the traffic is miserable. Other then the horrible traffic, I like it out there quite a bit. Oh, and dont expect to find a house with a basement as from what Ive been told, they are below the water table so very few houses have basements. Based on where Mesquite is and where DFW is, there is no way in hell I would live in DFW and work in Mesquite. You need to find something closer to where you work. You do realize there is a difference between Dallas, Fort worth, etc. right? Living in FW and working in Mesquite is like living in Upper Arlington Columbus and working in Pickerington... Its a helluva drive especially in their traffic.
  18. Still available? May be interested but it would be later this week.
  19. I was out at buckeye lake all weekend.. just got back.
  20. Save your money until you can beat me around the track. And make sure you look at the gas valve sticker on your bike and actually turn on your gas this time.
  21. This thread disgusts me as do some of the double standard comments being made by the females. (Yes, I said females in this thread. Specifially Sapphy and Gen3flygirl) While I dont condone the activity of the Blue car guy, was it really so harmful to you to risk getting him expelled from school and every other state school for 3 years. You do realize that if that happens, the end results will be another uneducated person with a higher probability to go down the path of crime or violence since you had them booted from school. You dont seem to realize that once the school or law gets involved, you dont have the ability to say "Just warn him, or suspend him a few days".... Its out of your hands at that point and you may be ruining someones life because they made faces at you. Jesus this world is going downhill fast. Grow up... Seriously..
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