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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Cut the plastics.. The cut sliders are stronger and will hold up better in the case the bike falls over and if memory serves me correctly, Someone on here had the nickname of "Tiiiiimmmmmmmbbbbbbbbeeerrrrrrrrrrr" (Timber) because their bike was always hitting the ground.. Just saying. Besides, the cut sliders look just fine after they are installed and most people think the plastics came that way. I cut shawnas for her. Whitey has cut some, we all have.
  2. If you truly want to get into the target aspect and not just dumping lead downrange, I would suggest getting a bolt action.. Specifically, the Savage Mark II series (The BT series is really nice..) 10/22 are a lot of fun for fast shooting and you can spend a ton of money accurizing them. But if you liked the 308 and you want to learn precision shooting, the bolt action is the way to go to learn proper trigger control, bolt manipulation, and breathing, etc. Not to mention it will be more accurate then the semi auto will. Tons of precision shooters/competitors train with bolt action 22's.
  3. What is the heating element to turn the ice to water/steam. Im guessing some type of combustible liquid/gas
  4. Ive got a really nice Huffy..
  5. If youre referencing the "Im Gay" and "I Love Boys" stickers that appeared in discrete locations on your racebike, I have no idea what youre talking about. FYI. I will be rocking those tired you so nicely put the grease pencil comments on this summer.. And yes they are still marked and yes Im gonna ride em like that.
  6. You must be blind... welcome.
  7. You'll shoot your eye out... You ride because you want to. Who gives a shit what others think. I deal with the same thing as you with my mom when it comes to my track riding so I feel your pain.
  8. Thats all everyone has been doing on here. Bitching and moaning about the weather.
  9. Where's the option for "This is Ohio. Quit your fucking whining".
  10. What kind of bike are you looking for.
  11. Dumb letter with shitty grammar... Nothing new
  12. Personally Im not a fan of the endcap on the one youre considering.
  13. Where ya been man? Hows everything been going. Im still rocking my plug eating YZ and Charles is still on his CR. You still on the Carmichael replica?
  14. Zombie thread lives after 9 months of death.
  15. No. He has some family land that we will be shooting at and should be able to get out to around 700-800 yards. I have some 5/8" thick AR500 targets for him in my truck as we speak. If you dont know what AR500 is, it stands for Abrasion Resistant ... aka..Its basically Armor Plate. You can shoot it with up to a 50BMG and it wont penetrate the steel. Its great for shooting long range because you know that you hit it by the sound of the "clang" and you dont have to worry about damaging the targets at all.
  16. All I know is that I will teaching the basics of long range shooting (0-1000+ yards) to a guy this weekend. Ive been itching to get back out since all this crappy weather.
  17. Kelley LeBrock,...aka Lisa from Weird Science or Phoebe Cates from Fast Times at Ridgemont High
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLefo0fn96o
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