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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Yeah Im still looking forward to kicking zorro's ass also
  2. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?p=305606#post305606
  3. For all those in this thread and will in the future be riding Mid Ohio. At this point I think its the best decision to go into the event open minded and with a positive outlook. If for some reason things do not go in a positive manner, or youre disappointed in the setup, it is at that time, that you may consider putting together a professionally written document and submit it to Mid O for feedback. You should not have any bitching, moaning, or general complaining in the document as that only makes you look un professional and childish. You should explain any situations that you felt uncomfortable/unsafe with and support it with facts (Not Opinions) Do not compare to STT run events as it will make you look like someone complaining just because its no longer STT organized. Be open minded, professional, and courteous.
  4. Dont you mean C U Next Tuesday??
  5. HMMMMMM.... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=32037&page=4 Beat ya to it.
  6. nate, you and I must have been typing at the same time
  7. I just spoke with STT and Mid Ohio STT is no longer affiliated with the Mid Ohio events according to the woman that answered the phone at STT. According to the people at Mid Ohio. This sat event is still taking place. I asked who the instructors were going to be and if they were mid o instructors or instructors from other venues contracted by Mid o for the event and she didnt know.
  8. I just spoke with STT and Mid Ohio STT is no longer affiliate with the Mid Ohio events according to the woman that answered the phone at STT. According to the people at Mid Ohio. This sat event is still taking place. I asked who the instructors were going to be and if they were mid o instructors or instructors from other venues contracted by Mid o for the event and she didnt know.
  9. What is that supposed to mean? What factual info do you have that makes you think that?
  10. They arent going to cancel the event... Its most likely just going to be handled by Mid O and not STT anymore.. we will have to wait and see to be sure.
  11. Brian cant say anything until "whatever is going on" is finalized. Whats he gets approval he will fill everyone it. I dont know whats going on either.
  12. Cory wont be making it as of now. STT is sold out for the 22.
  13. Zorro = Shit talker extraordinaire. And since zorro wants to run his mouth.. Here are my groups from yesterday during load development. All are 4 shot groups except the cold bore obviously. Cold Bore.. Happy to start the day right Group1 - 43.4 Varget .42MOA center to center. (2597-2620 fps) And yes thats 3 shots in 1 ragged hole until I pulled it and got a flyer. Group2 - 43.6 Varget .45MOA center to center. (2607-2632 fps) Group3 - 44.4 Varget .46MOA center to center. (2665-2700 fps)
  14. Im looking to find someone with some land around the columbus area that would allow me to shoot on. I can go to big darby and shoot out to 300 yards but would like to find someone that has some farm land where I could shoot further without having to drive myself all the way out to kimbolton for Thunder Valley. Im considering buying some AR500 steel targets but dont want to waste my money if I will never get to use them. For those that dont know, I already participate in long range competitions where we shoot out to 1165 yards so you dont really have to worry about me being an idiot on your land. Just thought I would ask.
  15. Zorro,, we should ride street before this weekend. Oh wait, your R1 caliper is jacked and is at hines trying to get fixed... hahahahaha you broken bike stuff makes the flounder laugh. :) :popcorn:
  16. Bring it with ya.. I will hopefully have my onboard cam going and so will cory who will hopefully be up there as well playing. It should be a good day.
  17. Yep, Im backtracking.. no one in this thread has any idea of all the emails going back and forth either.. This sat is gonna be fun.
  18. In the words of Putty,, youre dead to me. Honestly though, Zorro has 4 track days under his belt this year to my 1 and hardly any riding outside of that day due to travel for work. If he cant beat me, then he is an even bigger puzzy then I originally thought.
  19. You have an I-phone.. Use it..
  20. 1 & 2 are good... the others are not measurable since Im sure we will both be passing each other at different times. Its not something Im going to try and remember at 100+mph for a bunch of laps.
  21. Well, Zorro has been running his mouth allot lately so I figured I should have a timer so we all know the exact time when zorro is going to get his arse handed to him at mid O this sat. http://www.bored.com/makecountdowns/show.php?id=178353 All in good fun to add fuel the fire.
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