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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Note to self: Perform audit at your company
  2. I suck at the interwebz... Flounder <-- Epic fail.. Linky fixed
  3. It happens allot my friend.. You know you can crash at my place but the drinking as much as you do and riding shit needs to stop.. You have one of these coming ->
  4. Yeah and that was my first time running I..
  5. So what your saying is YOU WERE FUCKING DRUNK RIDING YOUR BIKE LAST NIGHT...... I warned you what I was going to do to you if I heard of you doing that shit again... Im not fucking kidding yoda. I dont need to loose a friend... You know you can crash at my place anytime, hell Im 5 min from downtown and can sure as hell pick you up at night and drop you off in the morning to get your bike.
  6. I would rock this car for sure.. http://www.worldcarfans.com/9080610.004/smart-fortwo-stunt-car-does-front-endo
  7. Obviously our opinions are different. From your point of view, why stop with a bike running.. If your speed 5mph over in your car/bike, why not just walk up and shoot you, after all you broke the law and are speeding also. Ever drink more then you should and drive. Same thing.. do everyone else a favor and just off yourself. How far do we take it.. The point is that by doing the pit maneuver on a bike, you are most likely seriously going to hurt someone. Yeah running may hurt someone also but do the math. 1 is guaranteed to hurt/kill someone while the other is a possibility. I dont approve of running but I definitely dont approve of pitting a bike.
  8. No one deserves that. Its basically a death sentence
  9. Drew is in outter banks right now.. Wont be back until sunday.. you wont find a better taken care of ride then his.
  10. I found some hotsauce in my sock this morning..
  11. That part of the movie is fucking hysterical.. nice bear back comment .. hahahah:D
  12. Sorry to hear man.. good luck to your pops.
  13. Thats exactly what Im saying. minus the getting along part...
  14. I think its pretty obvious who your talking about. At least we agree on one thing because I couldnt give a shit less about what you have to say either. fair enough.. basically the way it already was before this dumb thread. Thanks for the approval.
  15. See ben, thats not right either. its just adding fuel to a fire and making OR out to be some type controlling group.. I doubt thats the rep you want for the board
  16. The dual meeting places doesnt upset me at all. My philosophy is that everyone doesnt always get along. If you try and make them, then usually is just causes more animosity. Member or nonmember, they are still a rider and still friends with many of the people on here. As far as the location goes, its just a convenient location to meet, same reason as shell was picked.
  17. A few things... first... for fucksake.. do you really expect everyone to get along.. there are over 1000 people on here now. Second.. dont fucking tell people where they can and cant meet. you dont own the gas station or the fucking state.. They are both close to QSL which makes it convenient for people Grow up there is nothing disrespectful about it. That comment of yours really pisses me off. No Im not mad at your but thats a dumb fucking comment you just made and you know it. Third. your comment about riding in a big group is just pure assanine.. The larger the group of people riding, the more likely hood of someone doing something stupid. We left in a group of probably 30 bikes last night and from QSL to easton, I can count at least 5 times when someone almost clipped someone else.. I was riding in the back watching. Im not saying they are bad riders but I am saying that unless you ride with someone fairly frequently, you have no idea how they ride as far as changing lanes, acceleration, wheelies, etc. Dont take your comment the wrong way? how to you expect it to be taken when you are trying to tell people where they can and cant meet to go to qsl.
  18. Welcome... the NC speed would be fun... Good luck with the 200mph mark.. Its a toughy... I would be very impressed if you hit 210 as HP has to climb exponentially for speed increases above the 190mph-200mph mark
  19. Well, my opinion is that the A group is generally safer, the tend to have better lines, and are much less of a risk then the I guys. The I group is the most dangerous group due to the following: Piss poor lines, You have people that just moved from Novice, You have people that should be in advanced, and less experienced riders sometimes freak when they get passed especially in a corner. Someone else with a piss poor line and who is inconsistent as they are cornering scares me more then being 2 ft off of someones tire in advanced or having someone pass me on the inside/outside from an A rider. The A riders can be trusted a bit more not to cut you off, not to change lines like a drunk, and not to target fixate on someone passing or while being passed. As long as you ride within your abilities and hold your lines, hopefully another rider will not do something stupid around you.. My guess is that if someone does do something stupid around you, it will be an Intermediate guy.
  20. Youre quote editing abilities sometimes rival my own.. A kick to the junk you shall soon receive.
  21. Not bragging... Its called the Pro Practice on STT's site.. Im not a pro..not even close... its just another track day but you get to split time with the pro's since they are there running and setting everything up to get ready for the weekend.. Its pretty cool to get to see them riding and working on the bikes so close.. Those guys and their crews are machines.
  22. He is basically at every mid ohio track day.. I will be going up on Thurs 31th to do the Pro Day.. That day is a ton of fun.
  23. Dude.. I just got a mental image of like 15 toilets all sitting in a circle facing each other and people dropping dueces while discussing worldly topics.. I damn near spit water all over my computer. Big poo pic fixed to not so disgusting one.
  24. If someone is still there around 10 or 1030, give me a shout..
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