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Everything posted by flounder

  1. I was surprised that no one had posted about going.. Whats the deal with the press passes Ben?
  2. Not sure where that came from but hey what the hell.. its the off topic section so we may as well talk about whatever we want. OMG.. THE END OF THE WORLD IS COMING.... THE SKY IS FALLING,,, THE MARKET SUCKS. THE WAR.. THE WAR.. THE WAR.. OH SHIT ITS SNOWING IN JAN.. DID I MENTION THE ECONOMY.. OMG WHAT WILL WE DO. :nono:
  3. Evidently you did not browse that well "Those who earn up to $75,000 individually or up to $150,000 as a couple will be eligible for the payments, said Republican and Democratic sources familiar with the tentative deal."
  4. As an individual doing your first trackday, dont worry about what its going to do to your tires. Your not going to be pushing it that hard. I put 3 trackdays on my tires last year and a few K street miles and they are still fine. And I did it with a completely stock bike. (brakes, rotors, tires were Pilot Powers) etc. Dont let tires or brakes be your determining factor.. YOU WILL BE JUST FINE. Like I said, youre not going to push it that hard on your first track day or most likely even your second. Your bike stock can handle more then what you are capable of giving it, especially in the novice group..
  5. flounder

    Forum rename

    So based on everything thats been posted here lately, I think we may as well just rename this forum to something more appropriate like Depression/Recession topics since thats all that seems to be getting discussed.
  6. For Insurance purposes, no one will be out with the AMA boys. could you imagine thrashing one of there 50-100K FX bikes or superbikes with your little tinker toy.
  7. Just in case anyone is interested. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=018&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=280194813006&rd=1
  8. Yeah, no camping for me especially considering I will be there on Thursday doing the Limited Endurance & Pro Practice track day. It was awesome last year splitting time with them and not really having any boundaries. Hell, me, yota and asian were out on the track picking up Holden's bike when he crashed coming out of the carousel.
  9. Dont forget that you have to have over the wrist gloves.. hit up the clearance section at pony and grab a pair cheap. If your thinking of doing track days. get the 1 piece leather. Trust me, you will wear it when riding street twisties as well. If you have never done one before, forget everything that was said about intermediate classes as you will most likely have to do at least 2 trackdays before you are up to that speed.
  10. Welcome... beware if yota is behind you and you drop a tool.... the yota takes what he wants..
  11. just wait until your back. a swift kick to the head you shall receive.
  12. 100mph is fast for a car that is not very agile and has the stopping distance of a mile. Easy for accidents.
  13. I think its a Marsupial
  14. I will continue to state the following just to make me feel better about my time. 47's with the following Super fucking warped rotors - like riding a bucking bronco. bad brakes superlight suspension. Im looking to knock off 10 seconds this year. Yeah its super aggressive but I think it can be done if I work hard.
  15. No school in intermediate or advanced. I think thats what you meant but it was just written weird for me.
  16. What is this "if" bullshit. I will run intermediate for the first day and then after that I will just run whichever one has less people in it. Speeds are pretty much the same depending on the day and the people in the group. That is of course if you dont have drew or lizard grabbing your ass when they pass you... facking weirdo's And for those that are thinking about doing it but dont like the term beginner, When I was in the beginner groups (there are 5-7 levels/groups in beginner) Groups 1 and 2 were dragging knees through the corners if that gives you any indication of speed. If you have never done one before but consider yourself a competant rider, I would suggest starting in Group 3 of beginner and then they can move you up or down depending on how well you do. The first 2 sessions is a nice pace to teach you the lines of the track. After that, they will start to pick up the speed at which point you may or may not be able to keep up.
  17. ehhhh... looks a little plain to me.. :wink:
  18. Im sure that this varies among different schools so when you said this I was actually trying to think back about what I was taught in history class. I can remember being taught about the mi'ans, (SP) Incas' american indians, slavery, tuskgeegee airman, MLK, rusians, asia, greece, norwegians, etc. I wouldnt say that it was just white history as you put it however, maybe one of the first goals to eliminate the knowledge divide that exists is to have an agree'd upon history curriculum which covers all areas equally. Unfortunately I dont know if there is time for this which is why schools tend to cover only major events and people that have impacted history in both positive and negative ways. Maybe we should be required to take more history classes then we do, I have no idea. Obviously if I wasnt taught something, then I dont even know what I have missed. Im sure that each ethnicity knows more about their history then I ever probably will. I think it would be safe to assume that the divide is due to lack of knowledge from all sides.
  19. The thing I find funny is that there is an acknowledged special day, special month, special group, etc, etc, etc, for absolutely every sex, race, religion, gay, lesbian, transgender, etc etc etc, but have you ever heard anything about a day or scholarship specifically for white males? Nope, because that would be racist or prejudice.. What a crock of shit,,, I agree that the only way to elminate these issues is to eliminate these "special" days benifits, etc for everyone.
  20. That was about the most un-biased review yet.. rated them damn near identical and yet you still complain.... baby..
  21. GR's new vid will be coming out soon. The trailer looks pretty good.
  22. Uhmm.. kind of an interesting question.. care to share why your looking for them.
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