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Posts posted by flounder

  1. Is it me or you two flame each other in EVERY thread on here? :dunno:

    Its True :D I think its about time to post the pic of Zorro sporting his girls purse all night when we were at arlington.

  2. Actually the first bike night was the 4th. but guess since the weather was shitty then we can start them when we want too.

    awesome.. your wifey is going to let you come play.. PS.. she owes me some backtaxes for the work she has been doing...

    yeah thats right... I TAX THAT ASS.....

    you figure out what your going to do with your page yet.

  3. I see you're well aware of all the alternative lifestyle communities.

    Or course I am,, Im sick of you alway inviting us down there.. Werent you in the movie Deliverance... (Squeal like a pig Zorro)

  4. Lets be clear... YOU ROLL WITH FAGS..IN THE SACK.... :supergay:

    This coming from the guy with a tongue piercing who lives in the metrosexual grandview area.

    Ahh... yeah Grandview is right.. (Familys and good schooldistrict) Not Gerbil Village or Short North

    I figured you already knew where to meet guys..

  5. I started a business and need help getting a website started. If anyone could help, i would appreciate it. Freebies would be nice but will pay.


    You dont need a webpage to pimp your girl.. i hit that shit and sell it to my friends all the time.. no webpage needed.. you need me to throw some money your way? after all its your girl earning it for me. :lol:

    are you trying to do e-business through the page.. if so, make sure you use reputable software and a good programmer.

  6. Im not getting you a wedding gift.... :lol:

    You probably shouldn't get a gift for a wedding which you're not invited to anyways. That's just kinda weird dude.

    Fuck the wedding... Im comming to crash the reception.... :) you guys set a date yet? Bike, Ring, House, Wedding.. all in the same year.. which one of you SOB's robbed a bank..

  7. I agree. Even tho we had to break away early, Eric and I had a good time for the short time we got to ride in the group. Must do it again :)

    p.s. Thanks Brian for letting your shop being the meeting place!

    FACK... someone else has my bike.. god dammit..

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