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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. That's a given. I wasn't talking about that issue, but if a guy keeps a girl like that around, he's an idiot and it's his own fault.
  2. That sucks! You getting another Kawi?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqumjziPTzk
  4. I Like all kinds of music man. I like coldplay too. What do you mean by mashup was great?
  5. Here's a typical suzuki rider caught in action...
  6. You fail, Mr. I love Taylor Swifts music.
  7. This just played on my MP3 here at work and I have to say that I love this freaking song! He may be a woman beater, but damn he can throw down some good music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqumjziPTzk
  8. lol...done that before. Sometimes it's hard to hold it in.
  9. Ha! I'm not hypocritical on that matter. You thought you were going to get me changing my tune huh? I'm not that type.
  10. Hahaha...that's my wifes problem. She'd be getting pissed off if they didn't respect her saying she's not gay. My wife is not like that so the fireworks would be interesting to see..haha. *I was only into that stuff when it came to females I wasn't in love with, which was all of them. My wife, now that is a turn off to be sharing my spouse with anyone. That shit isn't normal if you truly love someone.*
  11. haha....nah, i'm a teddy bear. Everyone has a breaking point when pushed and that's how you do it if you want revenge on someone. I was just stating what I'd do like if someone raped my wife, or something of that nature. I wouldn't go that far for just trying to push up on her except for one punch. The law can't be everywhere at once.
  12. sorry, he brought it up. Just saying there's always ways around the law for self made justice.
  13. Bulk up more and go to a bigger suit? ..or try a custom made.
  14. Nope you got it backward homeskillet. At the end I stated I wouldn't have to worry about my wife though. I'm talking about assholes that think they're slick and try to push up on your woman and force themselves on them and then the woman narcs them out or you see it yourself. You can get away with so many things Jeremi and not go to jail for. A random beating with gloves, mask, etc...rarely ever gets you jail time. Broad daylight though, I've witnessed a few fights and nobody goes to jail. Just like speeding on a bike...there's a time and place for everything. But when you're going to inflict bad harm...definitely go the route that I have bolded my man. Stop changing the subject though as of recent...we're past that conversation.
  15. Ninja just isn't cuz of my bike...I'm a steath like mothafucka from the block.
  16. I give him props for wearing gear instead of busting on him.
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