I had a guy named NICK help me there once. Ordered a helmet from him, called a week later because it was never delivered. They said there's no record of it. I got pissed because I had the receipt that it's paid for and it was $275 Icon helmet for my wife. They said, sorry and they'd ship it out. Another week later I called back and said I haven't gotten it yet. They said sorry, they didn't have a record of it AGAIN!! So they finally sent it with a $25 gift card to make up for it. Well that was in 2007 and I haven't used that gift card yet. Mainly because I don't live near IP. Only purchases I'll make with the PONY now is one that they have there in stock and I can take it up to the counter and buy it. Fuck ordering from them again. Especially NEVER make an order from some older NICK guy in the helmet section. What a fuck up he was.