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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. I soooooo can't wait for it to never drop below 65-70.
  2. A moderator with NO BIKE?! WTF is going on here. ;)
  3. NitroNick has been nowhere to be found. He went missing 4/6/09. NinjaNick is here to stay.
  4. I'm better than that.
  5. That comes stock with my RF1000 helmet and it doesn't help.
  6. I don't need it. I find it pretty easy and quick when I do it with just my rear stand, foot, and hands. I sit down and put one of my feet under the wheel which keeps it from falling. Everything is still in place when I remove the axle. Then I lift the caliper off and lay it across the swingarm. Then I pull the wheel towards me while removing my foot and it's all done. This tool in my opinion is a waste of money. It's a simple 1 man job.
  7. Thanks for burning that lil fucker. He got me good in a different thread.
  8. Interesting. I did not know that. I never got shin splints throughout sports in HS. Now I know why. Because I was active. Also, now since I bought those NIKE SHOX I've been running on the treadmill at the gym sometimes and noticed that I'm not really getting shin splints much. So it does go away if you stay more active in running huh Jeremi? Now I know and will not let it happen again.
  9. Spit in it? NASTY! Does that really work? If so, explain how it works. I want to know.
  10. I've tried anti-fog spray, wipes, etc. Nothing has kept my visors from fogging up yet! I have to crack my visor a lot. At big speeds, I have to hold my breath so it won't fog up when the helmet is smashed on my face. It fucking SUCKS! Although during REALLY HOT days, it doesn't fog, because the helmet is as hot as my 98.6 degree air coming out of me.
  11. Donating rocks! This site is the best place on the net. I can't imagine not knowing the people I know now because of this site. Life would suck w/out them.
  12. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee----Haaaaaaaaaaw!
  13. That dude works construction. I'd take his advice too.
  14. Some of you must've never seen blizzards in Ohio. Not a blizzard, but we had damn near 8" sitting on our road unplowed for like 3 days this winter. Car would bottom out in the snow, let alone a little S10 rear wheel drive.
  15. NinjaNick

    OR - Dayton

    We love you Jarvis, that's all that matters brother.
  16. Thanks? Yeah, tag editing got so funny! I miss that shit!
  17. shin splints are sucky fo'sho. I hate concrete which is what gives them to me.
  18. I looooooooooooooove BBQ!!! I knew there was something about you that kept my attention Saturday.
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