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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. I went last year too and I think it was the 1st, I'm not sure. But it's 1x a year, normally to start the season off in the Spring. Last year it was tiny, this year we have MAD amount of people because so many people have joined in the past year. It's INSANE!
  2. Mine use to be.....until I sat on a Kawi.
  3. Never heard of it. You guys wear vests? lol Ever been on SuperBikes on speedtv? Just busting your balls. But honestly though do you wear vests? I hope not Where's this club out of too?
  4. Just cuz. Plus I have no freaking clue as of the route.
  5. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Should've got a KAWI, not a Honda JBOT.
  6. Damn guys get independent and get a different avatar than eachother..lol. It's odd when reading the posts.
  7. Please don't post any spoilers. Just if you liked it or not.
  8. I enjoy some good trash talking E. Competitiveness is a great trait.
  9. Oh, wasted the corners on the track huh? That's too bad. So much for that 600 showing me on the corners. wooohahahaha. It's all good though because even with new tires most you could do is PROBABLY keep me in sight anyways and that's on a 14. Damn I wish I had a literbike too. Oh for the record everyone it's not a twisty ride tomorrow. We'll all be cruising up to Columbus staying together as a group. It'll be a mellow ride. Enjoy the group setting and the party we'll be arriving at.
  10. Damn Dustin, I didn't know you were so young.
  11. Holla!! Ummmm.....why don't you have tires? lol
  12. WhoDey, CBRGirl.....KNODEL won't be making it, sorry. He had to fly out of state this morning.
  13. THAT....I don't know. I normally get it withdrawn from my account and fuggedabout it. Maaaaaaan, I hope your wrong....I hope your wrong.
  14. I'm state farm and nobody is vamping anything here in Kettering. Still $30/month with $100 deductible. zx-14 too.
  15. Just saying it's rude/stupid blocking the store like that and gives negative attention that we dont need. Butthead.
  16. Just want to let any early birds there know to park way out to the left of the gas station there. They have a HUGE open area to the far left at the edge of the gas station. Don't be silly and think all of us are going to park in front of the store. That is all. Carry on.
  17. Alright. C-ya when ya get back. So sudden...hope nothing bad happened.

  18. Biggest gang in the world is cops and they're LEGAL. I like them at times, and hate them at times. They can be the biggest pieces of shit at times.
  19. The Marathon at the 4way stop light across from Hidy Honda at 1030am. We're leaving there as a group to meet the North Dayton peeps in Cedarville. You coming up with Jarvis?
  20. hell maybe there'll be an extra one around. Never know. See ya at 1030 man.
  21. I don't get the 1st picture because it looks like a cartoon picture of the racer. The niece photo though is a really good one. Looks like the most HD picture I've ever seen in my opinion. Looks very professional. Good job.
  22. 8-4-8!!!!!! I'd loooooooove to own that bike.
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