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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. Good 'ol cell phone pics.
  2. Exactly! That is why I never post anymore or go to any other boards. If this site got outside of Ohio I'd dissappear too like Fonzie. I wouldn't enjoy it anymore. I'm sure lots feel the same.
  3. NO! Huge nationwide or worldwide boards bring 500% more drama. Plus they're a dime a dozen. Keep it Ohio only, it's for the best. Don't get greedy.
  4. Alex from Stroh's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIccgthMwxQ
  5. Spuds MacKenize! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdUqrEzl-N8&feature=PlayList&p=4682F10B6B6718D0&index=0&playnext=1
  6. COKE and Max Headrom! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzxHDqUz8Sk&feature=related
  7. What about before that? Pepsi COOL CANs and when the nation was doing the PEPSI WAVE!?
  8. There's 2 codes I remember in my life. That one on Contra and SubZeros deep freeze fatality on Mortal Kombats. Forward, forward, down,Highpunch, Forward, down, forward, forward, HighKick. 1983 is pushing it man..haha. Nintendo came out in 1985.
  9. Man those Triumph rockets are sweet!
  10. Found the 50 state laws on knives. Concealed and Open.http://www.thehighroad.org/library/blades/knifelaws.html Edit: Ok, that link sucks.
  11. Just don't ride hard because I'm sure if you went down you'd really fuck that leg up. You probably should ride easy this season. That's just Dr. Nick's opinion.

  12. What if somebody comes out of nowhere in the dark and plows me with a weapon and starts kicking me on the ground. Will I get in trouble if I stab his thigh and slice his achilles in self defense though?
  13. I mean for self defense like others have the gun. I want to carry a knife and a gun at sometime if I can.
  14. NinjaNick

    No caption

    Ode to the sexii guy on the right.
  15. I feel bad for you man, but in a non fucked up way you look at home in that wheel chair. Almost reminds me of TIMMAAAAAAAY on South Park. :lol:

  16. I only had them on 8-bit 1980's Nintendo. I bet they look tough on today's system. Do they Sam?
  17. I like knives A LOT. I only have 2, but would like to buy some more.
  18. Where the fuck do you guys live?? lol
  19. Oh hell no! Give me some credit.. I wouldn't post THAT! I'm sick of the media making her rich and famous too.
  20. That's a pretty good reason why it would hurt.
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