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Posts posted by NinjaNick

  1. Twitch, I wish I really could make it though in all seriousness. How often you on myspace? When the time comes can I get ahold of you on there to meet up with a buddy and I?

    Someday I'll be able to do a complete meet with us members from this Dayton forum.

  2. Bitching twisties at probably 830-9pm? haha....sure you do that, tell the deer you hit at 100+mph on that back country road cuz it's pitch black I said hi! :roll: :lol:

    8pm is more like either highway riding or city riding looking for someone to race. I can't make it though cuz I will be at work. I only can make mornings or weekends. You ever do Saturday or Sunday mornings around 11am-Noon? Those are the best to break laws and bang the shit out of the rev limiter on some back deserted roads. :evil:

  3. This weather isn't just here...it's stretched from Upper Pennisula of Michigan to Kansas down to San Angelo, Texas where they're having an ice storm. There's nowhere in the US safe from it right now except Nothern Arizona to Washington on the west coast. :dunno:

    National Forecast

    Winter is not done yet

    8:21 p.m. ET 4/6/2007

    Freeze warnings stretch all the way to Florida. Lake-effect snow continues and parts of the Mid-Atlantic will see snow.




  4. Oh yeah, wheel removal will get quicker man. I can have my rear off and on in probably 5 minutes. It's fun doing bike work yourself. I do all mine except for my valves. I don't have the tools for valves, but will sometime.

    As for the $25 socket...I think I got mine at some auto store for $7.99 a few years ago. Front wheel removal I got lucky and a buddy of mine who is an amateur roadracer gave me a free universal front wheel socket made to fit all bikes. Definately a cool little tool.

  5. Welcome!

    Take MSF course, get that out of the way. It's only 1 weekend.

    Pick up either a SV650 or a 600 sportbike if that's what you want..TOPS! It'll make a you a better rider in the long run and you'll learn much faster and become faster.

  6. I say next FRIDAY I'm off for "good friday" we can meet up at the Marathon gas station at the end of Wilmington Pike in Bellbrook on the edge of town? Then I can take you guys to some nice Clinton county roads? I say that place because that is where I meet up with a lot of my buddies. Let me know guys! ;) If not good friday then that weekend which is ofcourse next.

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