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stolen 5.0

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Posts posted by stolen 5.0

  1. ok, I took some helmet cam footage on my 400ex while we were practicing for GNCC. I want to put it on dvd with chapters and menu's and such. I have it in .mpeg format and tried using nero. I made my chapters and shit, but I get a transcoding error like 30% way through the total process before it even starts burning. Does anyone know of any other good programs I can use to do this? I threw it on a dvd as a data file and it'll play on some dvd players, but it's a pain in the ass to fast fwd through an hour worth of shit.

    any help?

  2. making a helmet cam setup for the 4 wheeler and street bike. i have a nice bullet cam with a bnc/rca output. i have an adapter for the 3.5mm jack or whatever is on a dv cam. Went to hook it up, and well I guess there is only an output on the vid cam. I already have the power supply takin care of.

    I can plug the rca jack into the tv and i can see it works fine.


    what else that is sorta small can i use to feed in from the bullet cam to record? I'm going to stick it in a small back pack while i ride.

    someone said HP made a media compainion drive a few years ago, but couldn't find anything about it. or anyone can find a dv cam that has an input on it. that isn't super expensive.

  3. Anyone who paid money to see this movie should form a line to be kicked in the jimmy!




    All this movie means for us is that now instead of just worrying about the ricers driving like idiots on the highway, now your going to have to watch for them sliding around the city streets and smashing into you.




    that will be the funniest thing, everyone trying to slide there cavaliers. I prefer powerslide with the old mustang.

    I movie was worth passing the time for 2 hours. wasn't my favorite thing, but I enjoy anything with cars. i just hated the old stang with the import motor. sad. but it might be hard to find a 302 in japan

  4. So my mom just called and has a pc problem, a rather funny one. She said she just started hitting some buttons and everything on her screen inverted upside down. I took about a minute and laughed at her and told her she's stupid for just hitting buttons. even worse thing is that this is the 2nd time it's happened at her office.


    anyone know how to fix this off hand? i'm curious

  5. 03-04 cobras had 3.55 gears where the 99-01's had 3.27s. also the 93 cobra is a classic and I would luv to have one. second choice would be a 98 cobra. I like the styling better than the new ones. I hate the '05 and newer. although the mod motors' pistons are very weak when used with a power adder. it just all depends on how much money u want to spend and how fast u want to go.
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