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Status Updates posted by gsxr750girl

  1. ha ha thats awesome wish I could have seen it! I was talking with paul last week joking saying to paint my bike all neon orange with white wheels he laughed....but seriously am working on a new look for my bike!

  2. hell no :lol: be funny though

  3. Hey girl hope to see ya at applebees! I'll be there!

  4. Hey girl hope you have a great day! I'm looking forward to tonight! I finally get to show you my new purchases from the item I traded in! I think you will like em! Well hope all is wonderful and I can't wait to hang out later! love ya girl

  5. hey girl hope your back feels better! thanks again for inviting us over we had a lot of fun! thanks for dinner too!

  6. hey girl I need a quick fix how can I loose 10 pounds quickly?

  7. Hey girl welcome to the site! Glad to see more and more females getting out and riding. I'm out almost everyday riding so if you wanna get out call me!

  8. hey how are ya? Can't wait to see the bike all back and ready! Sick ride by the way!

  9. hey just let me know maybe I can meet up with her and do dinner or something like that! just hit me up on here or my cell either or! I know how it feels to be in her shoes just minus the marriage part!

  10. hey shouldn't you be working outside right now?

  11. hey there just stopping in to say hi, have a great weekend if I don't talk to ya!

  12. hey there sorry didn't get back to you sooner! hey letting you know if you don't have to work oct 17th we are planning a trip up to cedar point for the hallow weekends should be a blast hope you can make it out!

  13. hey there we are doing amazing thanks for the push! I'm so happy!

  14. hey there! I'll be heading to bike night around 6 hope to see ya guys there!

  15. hey there? how are ya? just thought I'd leave you a little something on your page :lol:

  16. hey turd its tomorrow not today! the show is at Mt. Gilead fair grounds off rt 61!

  17. hi love! dinner next week? i work tues and fri so let me know!

  18. hi! I need to borrow you one night to help move the Dart around if you are free!

  19. hi! what are you too good to talk to us anymore?

  20. hi!! I'll see you tomorrow!

  21. hmmm spend 3 days with a bunch of dudes or on the beach with me? :lol: pretty easy choice!

  22. hope u enjoy today! I'm stuck working!

  23. how come i cant go to the gap?

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