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Posts posted by gsxr750girl

  1. There was this lady sitting on the side of the road watching the parade....we come by and she starts saying "get a real bike" " Those are not real, those are wind up toys" "get a Harley" I looked over and said these are real bikes! Then she fired back those are make believe bikes! LMAO :lol: almost fell over was laughing so hard I yelled back to those around me what she said about our bikes and we all just pulled the clutch in and gave her an ear full! pretty funny if I do say so myself!

  2. The pic of Mandie riding Chris on the back is priceless.

    +1 He will never live it down, I wish you guys could have heard some of the comments people on the side of the road were making! I was laughing so hard the whole way!

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