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Status Updates posted by gsxr750girl

  1. how was the ice cream? I love going to that car show my dad and I have been going to it for over 20 years lol seriously! I'm glad I got to go yesterday even if I did get rained on, it was worth the look on my dads face when I pulled in! He didn't think I was coming! Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

  2. how was your night? did the neon lights set the mood? :lol: I'm sorry but the two of you talking was too cute!

  3. hows my tail? :lol: excited :)

  4. I bet you guys had a GREAT time! lol I'll see you wed and thurs night?

  5. I can probably swing that! I work wed that week and am off thurs -mon go back to work tues and I'll just toss my bike in bed of my truck!

  6. I can't believe you are looking for another bike! :lol:

  7. I doubt it would be a late night at all! I have a busy day sat as well, hope you can come!

  8. I have no idea what that even is lol....last night was too funny glad you guys stopped by!

  9. I miss my long lost friend with the sexy black bike! Where is he at?

  10. I really wanna ride its killing me not being on my bike :( i'm gonna give it a try and I'm sure I"ll let you carry my ass around bwr if you really wanna!

  11. I sent him a message and I'll see him tomorrow...how soon do you want them on?

  12. I was serious about using your bikes so if that is really okay please contact me i'll pm you my cell and we can work out a date and time! Thanks so much, hopefully riding with me in the parade wasn't too bad!

  13. I will ask i know he has a few single friends but she is more then welcome to come hang out with me!

  14. I'd be honored to eat your twizzler! :lol:

  15. I'll be drunk on the river! stay tuned for pictures later in the weekend! :lol: just remember july 10th!

  16. I'll be the least experienced rider and I hate holding anyone up or anything like that! Plus I have to make sure Nate is okay with me going cause I for some reason don't think he is planning on going but I could be wrong! I would love to go I have really found a love for my bike this year and could use a little mini vaca! lol

  17. I'll be there! come on you know you wanna see me!

  18. I'll see what he can do for a "friend" of mine!

  19. I'm not too worried if they don't want me going I could care less really I have the time off so I'll plan a trip south to the beach! Thanks for the invite though :)

  20. I'm yelling at you :lol: Make sure you mark it down oct 17th!!!!!!!

  21. If you really think I would do something like that your opinion of me is way off!

  22. im on may way to get my outfit for halloween lol

  23. in my opinion the sv is your best choice for what you want to get out of the track...you said you want to get better at turns...with that being said you should get what you want, but I do feel for the price and knowing how much you love that Rep! I'd go for it! You will learn a lot on the track with a great bike, and you can always sell that one to buy a bigger track bike if you feel you need too! Okay that is all... :)

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