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Everything posted by gsxr750girl

  1. Mr Bret! Thanks for getting the flyer and clearing everything up. I guess I'll see ya sunday for a nice little ride!
  2. City of Columbus Police Officer is employeed by the City of Columbus not the State of Ohio....Now if he was an OSHP then you would have the same benefits!
  3. Hello! Hope you enjoy this is a great site! You will meet so many people! next time you are in columbus hit some of us up! We always like to put a face with the name!
  4. Really she has student loans? ha thats a good one she did that on her own to go into debt to go to school! This guy didn't kill himself! He died on the way to work and left a family with a lot to deal with! You make me sick! I don't drink $5 coffee either but I was just using that as an example! I was there that night along with Ace and Mr Bret and we all heard the same thing as Bunny did! There are a lot of charity rides throughout the year. Some people can give more then others and those who can will! Yet, it hits close to home when its for a cop or a firefighter.........with my job I work close to police officers. Like I said before you don't have to like cops I rag on my cousin & uncle everytime I see them in uniform! Yet, they do their best to keep the city safe along with handing out a fair share of tickets! lol!
  5. The only drink special I know of is the 2.50 long islands! I know they have beer on special but can't remember! I was too busy trying to remember what simon was saying!
  6. I agree bunny! This man was on his way to work( and we may not like what he does for a living) but the fact is his job is to protect our city! Not just to write out speeding tickets to us! This man leaves a family behind a young wife and kids! Yes, Bunny some people don't have a heart and feel people will do anything to get money! To those people stay at home and don't come! Those who do come will be fellow officers, I know a couple firefighters who will be there, and a lot of riders who are willing to give up a few dollars to help this family out! Shitty your right people only have so much to give! I agree with that but to all those who can't give up eating out to lunch one day that week, a starbucks coffee, or whatever you spend a couple bucks on! I'll see those who come out this weekend!
  7. ha ha I had no clue someone was taking a pic! I'll try and win this week!
  8. Mr Bret I'll be out! maybe this time I can win simon says! lol
  9. I really hope we can have a great turn out for this ride! I know must of us don't like cops, but this situation is so messed up! If you guys don't have anything to do Nov 4 please come out! If you bike is not in condition for the ride example track bike, put away for the winter! Please come out and donate what you can to this family! They need it! Holidays are coming up and I'm sure money is really tight for this family right now! I hope to see a lot of ohioriders out this day!
  10. I'm sorry I don't like either of them, yet I'll agree with Putty some pics of the ten look ok but others make me sick! It looks like they cut the front of the honda off! I dunno maybe it will grow on me til then I'll keep mine!
  11. Sorry I looked didn't see any now if you could go with a Tacoma I found a bunch with what you wanted! Talk to Rocky though he never seems to have trouble finding manual trans on trucks! talk to you later!
  12. we will be there! 250 bunny will you guys be going? hope so! such a messed up situation!
  13. Thats is awesome hey 250 bunny maybe we can be that old out riding together! ha ha see ya later tonight!
  14. Now that I think about it that free beer wasn't really worth all I had to do! ok the only part that sucked was having to spin around in a circle for 5 mins! lol thanks for who came out it really was a great time! Maybe more will show up next week!
  15. Satan and CbrGirl are you guys gonna make it to this? Let me know I would like to go if you all wanna ride together?
  16. I'll be there may have to meet at the lube I'm running late so might not make it to shell by 7! see ya all if you come out? 250 bunny and Mr Bret are you guys coming out? hope to see ya
  17. you know I'll be there! I'm free fri sat and sunday just let me know and the truck is yours to use!
  18. Chuck Norris doesn't throw up if he drinks too much. Chuck Norris throws down! ha ha
  19. if its dry I'll come out!
  20. gsxr750girl


    nothing crawled up my ass I voiced my opinion so goodbye!
  21. too cute he looks so much like you Brian! Before you know it he will be passing you in the corners down at circleville!
  22. gsxr750girl


    Are you serious something that flounder doesn't do or doesn't know! I thought he knew everything.....
  23. omg you boys are strange I'll see you up there at 7!
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