Seriously !ousley99! I'm going to agree with Ninja Nick and XB12Ss on this one and all the others who do too! I don't care how good of a damn rider you think you are there is always someone better then you! Yet that is besides the point! I'm getting ready to head to work and I m reading a post with you guys going back in forth about helmets! I hope Ohio does pass a helmet law and DUMBASSES like yourself OUSLEY99 have too! Oh by the way I didn't say it under my breath! I put on a damn uniform every couple days and when the tones drop and its a motorcycle accident everyone of us hopes they have a hemlet on because alot of us ride too! No one wants to pick a fellow rider up off the side of the road, and then have to explain to their famlies they could still be around but they couldn't take one min to put on a helmet! OUSLEY99 for your friends and family I hope you are a good rider! Yet always remember shit on the road, a car that didn't see you, even worse a tractor trailer, or some little kid that runs out in the middle of the road and your going to fast and you try and get out of the way! Oh wait none of this means anything to you! Stop and think!