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Status Updates posted by gsxr750girl

  1. lol yep thats me in front of the bike! if you are a friend on my page you can see all of my pictures from that photo shoot. its about 15 mins from easton. I have to work at 6am sunday so I won't be out late lol!

  2. do you have a myspace?

  3. look I caught a mouse!

  4. just stopping by to say hi! hope your week goes well

  5. coming to the party sat?

  6. SORRY! I had to help with my Dart and no way I could have made it in carol by 10! hope you guys had fun! our ride was pretty nice!

  7. in my opinion the sv is your best choice for what you want to get out of the track...you said you want to get better at turns...with that being said you should get what you want, but I do feel for the price and knowing how much you love that Rep! I'd go for it! You will learn a lot on the track with a great bike, and you can always sell that one to buy a bigger track bike if you feel you need too! Okay that is all... :)

  8. You have had a lot of weddings to go too! well have fun!

  9. thats fine I"m excited too!

  10. hi! I need to borrow you one night to help move the Dart around if you are free!

  11. welcome to your new home!

  12. still coming saturday?

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