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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. Thats what I am suggesting for NA, juts make it a percentage. A certain % for dyno/trap/et
  2. I was just giving you shit. From what I know of your car-I'd say YOUR car is a street car. You'd be in IMO
  3. Ray and Mark's car do not fit the definition of "street" car for the purposes of this. By street car, I mean a car that you drive during the week, race when the border is open. -It would look normal driving in traffic. You drive to the track and back. Take to work on Fridays-has passenger seats..HVAC...ect. If you car has not seen "action" on the street since 2010, you don't fit the bill. Hell considering yours is a trailer queen, some may question your car! Just an example of what I am taking about-and what other members of CR can "vote" on. I think all would agree, including Mark and Ray, that Ray and Mark's cars are not street cars anymore.
  4. Oh, and of course I am in. To specify-papal would be paid to an account administered by a trusted third part or 2 and I-Tilley, Old Man Ray...ect. IN
  5. Don King is back and wants to set the tables for a heated 2013. It seems like there is a lot of heat already int he CR kitchen-lets see what you are really made of! This is what I am thinking to make it fair/all encompassing.Feel free to add your thoughts and ideas. $100 buy in. This gets you into the party. 3 Contests- 1)Dyno. WHP per Liter to make it fair. Dyno must be witnessed my other CR members, or verified by video. Entrants post their engine size at the time of payment. 2)Quickest car- Fastest ET. Slicks OK. No celebrity drivers! 3)Fastest car- best MPH. Same rules apply. This would be eligible to CR members only. These also have to be STREET cars. Plated, street driven, and flown to Mexico every now and again. No rules on interior, exhaust..ect. If you are BauCe enough to drive on the street with a side exit exhaust (SLowTalon for example) then your good in my book. The other members of CR will determent eligibility if there is a question. Winners awarded as follows- 33% for wining any one arena. (EX-if you win 2, you get 66% of the total pot) If one person wins all 3 categories, you get the whole pot! I will personally get a fitting trophy and T shits made for you-and cover your tab at a crowning ceremony at the place of your choosing! Also-I am considering doing this for either ClevelandRacing AND ColumbusRacing, or both forums separately. Let me know what you guys think. Also-let me know if you would be in for this.
  6. DAYUM. http://www.streetfire.net/video/dodge-vs-chevy-tug-of-war-goes-too-far_2415018.htm?vidly=1d8n0l&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=122112+Royal+Purple&utm_content=122112+Royal+Purple+Version+B+CID_22c4168288a0cf8a51a556a0687960ef&utm_source=StreetFire%20Email&utm_term=Tug-o-War%20Goes%20a%20little%20Too%20Far When Billy Bob said Ima drag that fuckin Chevy around the block-He wer'nt lyin. Giggity
  7. Very nice! What did you have on the car before?
  8. I am not going to start a “I can through a football a mile” thread, but there was a shift in the universe since the last time I saw you, I am 100% sure my physical attributes and “training” in any type of one on one fighting scenario would trump yours as well. But Yenner-If you are 5 feet or more away from me, and I had my Glock 17, you would be 100% dead before you could lay a pinky on me. Yes, the kids may have been helpless if he walked in with a knife or a bat (as suggested in this thread), not the teachers. I mean does that really need to be specified? You are really reaching there. I still can’t believe people are trying to compare a few semi auto hand guns and a Ar -15 to a fucking baseball bat being help by a 95 pound pip squeak?? I have not words for that-its beyond stupid-but the same crap echoed from the majority of gun nuts. I am not posting in this thread any further-I am not going to change anyone’s opinion, nor do I care to. Merry Christmas to the trigger-happy segment of CR
  9. I never said it was done, or could be done in this case-but one bullet can be one kill-feel free to YouTube M16 firing tests and do the math. Its theoretically possible-as theoretically possible as this mentally ill kid shooter killing 26 people with a base ball bat as other gun nuts have suggested in this and similar threads. That is laughable. Also comparing a car to a semi automatic rifle is laughable. When I was in the naval academy, I shot several weapons from a SIG 9mm, M16's, even M777. I am no gun nut, I own a weapon for home defense , and I have my onions that are not going to change. If you feel you need more than a 9mm for home defense-move. If you can’t handle that-you are not a real man anyways. If you are worried you will one day need to revolt against the government, leave the country. If hunt-and you are licensed-you should be able to purchase a one shot hunting rifle (real men bow hunt anyways). The same rifle can be used for sport shooting. Because of this-I personally don’t feel there is any need for anyone to posses any semi or fully automatic rifled or “machine” guns. That’s it, its that simple.
  10. I never said it can shoot 1000 rounds a minute There are M16’s that can shoot 950 rounds a minute off the shelf. There are some aftermarket ones I have heard of shooting a bit faster, but I have never seen one so I can’t speculate. A “laid out” M16 is comparable to a “laid out” sports car-every option available, including 250 round mags. I if need further information, I will ask my brother who is a 18b Special forces Weapons Sergeant, but thanks for the offer. Look up. I don’t think the knowledge base is the issue, I think my opinion is simply an unpopular one on CR.
  11. I know a few civilians that have them, and NONE of them have any business having one-but-that’s not the issue People feel that they not only have the right to possess such/similar weapons, but the NEED. Both of those point and the arguments for them are blowing my mind right now. Keep reading Yes, because a laid out M16 a few 100 round magazines can put almost 1000 rounds in a crowd of people in less than a minute. Yes, the potential to kill 1000 fucking people in a minute. How fucking stupid are you gun nuts? Seriously. Please tell me why you need such a weapon for home defense? The program started buy REAGAN you mean? Great idea, that will fix all of this, and really solidifies the validity of your viewpoint. Seriously can the members of CR get any more stupid? Zero, besides myself. I never claimed that it was smart-but it risked my own ass. The only people I passed at speed were semis that would not have noticed I was there if I ended my life into the back of their trailer. And if you take this stance, every person that has street raced, ever, is comparable to this shooter? REALLY? How in your mind is this a valid point to bring up? While we were at this peak of stupidity it-let’s take it a step further. What if I did die? Then I would be comparable to the shooter in your eyes? http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=63536&highlight=Kenny+dead Well fuck Kenny too then, right? He endangered others why enjoying his hobby a bit recklessly. Is that what you want to do? Of course not-but THAT is how stupid this argument is.
  12. I am not the one comparing Colts to guns. It's a rediclous nonsenical comparison.
  13. And christ 990mike how did you go off the deep end without a push?
  14. When unsafe turbo jallopys acount for 85% of all deaths for 15-19 year olds, I would 100% be against unsafe turbo jallopys.
  15. I really don’t care enough to debate it. My post came from a email reply to a chain started by a mail room clerk who makes 28k to spend on his gun collection (living in him moms house, mind you) who I consider a weirdo, may not be employed come Friday at this point. There is not one person I that has a LARGE gun collection, including AR’s, AK’s M 16’s…ect. That is not a fucking weirdo. THAT’S what’s scary, the only people they seem really up in arms about owning multiple assault rifles are the only people that have no business OWNING MULTIPLE ASSULT RIFFLES. But like I said-my post was copy-paste. That’s about how much I really care.
  16. Yes, and Switzerland also has stricter gun control policies than we do. The sale of automatic firearms, selective fire weapons and certain accessories such as sound suppressors ("silencers") is forbidden (as is the sale of certain disabled automatic firearms which have been identified as easily restored to fully automatic capability). The purchase of such items is however legal with a special permit issued by cantonal police. The issuance of such a permit requires additional requirements to be met, e.g. the possession of a specific gun locker Also-they have NO standing army-they are the army! The Swiss Army has long been a Militia trained and structured to rapidly respond against foreign aggression. Swiss males grow up expecting to undergo basic military training, but they are still regular civilians. When stating facts-lease state all of them. You have CCW, you have the 2nd amendment, no one is taking your right to self defense-just turn in your M-16 as there is no fucking reason for you to have one.
  17. And again-if I have not stated it clear enough-I AGREE with CCW. I agree with GIVING EVERYONE a HANDGUN even! Why not? Self defense is everyone’s right. I agree with it. All of you second amendment wieners can quit crying whenever you like.
  18. You are the MAN by the way. Kudos to you! My company just send a Uhaul full of donations out there as well.
  19. Yes, I do. "That the People have a right to keep and bear Arms; that a well regulated Militia, including the body of the People capable of bearing Arms, is the proper, natural and safe defence of a free State; That the Militia should not be subject to Martial Law except in time of War, Rebellion or Insurrection. That Standing Armies in time of Peace are dangerous to Liberty, and ought not to be kept up, except in Cases of necessity; and that at all times, the Military should be under strict Subordination to the civil Power. " Again, like I said-I think EVERYONE should have a CCW. Should be able, trained, and LICESNED to have it. But if you require more than one hand gun to defend yourself, you have other, varied problems. At no point in time did I "blame" video games. But, you cant with a straight face argue that doing anything with repetition makes you more comfortable to that action or situation. 1000's of tests from lab rats to humans in varying circumstanced prove this. No, you are not the issue, or the other millions of people that play COD or similar games with ultra-realistic 1st person human death, but the fact that people think that someone who has been virtually killing for 10,15,20 years would not be more verse or numb to actually killing someone shows how warped our society is. If you have a kid that has mental issues-then don’t let him play these games, period. I think at the end of the day, mom screwed up here. As usual, it all starts at home, but you can’t argue about known, tested, and proven facts about human behavior. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ct-school-shooter-made-combat-weapon-article-1.1220431 No-Your not reading. I agree with a CCW-train everyone, let them legally bear arms. That is fine. I don’t think that anyone should have, or need, anything more than that unless you are a licensed hunter. And in that case-keep it a single shot weapon. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ct-school-shooter-made-combat-weapon-article-1.1220431 Sensitivity training? Its CR you faggot. The kid was one screw short of as FULL FUCKING RETARD. Leave your sandy gun loving Vagina at home. I get it-it’s a hobby for some. And for most its safe- and controlled, but then 85% of ALL homicides for kids aged 15-19 are gun related!! That should be pretty alarming to hear. http://articles.courant.com/2012-12-17/news/hc-op-oneill-sandy-hook-gun-violence-public-health-20121217_1_gun-violence-mental-health-firearms . Again, I blame the mother, she is the root of this kid getting out of hand-but a small percentage of me does blame society and our new found comfort level with weaponization of civilians an paranoia of needed self defense. It’s a problem that has solutions no one want to hear or deal with.
  20. What was his name? clean 04 WRX would be the offer.
  21. Makes me wish I did not sell the 350 motor/trans drop out I had. Do you/he have the rear interior? Pass seat? Interested in any trades?
  22. I don't think I have ever got on a soap box here-but how warped are people? YES, if you grow up playing VIOLENT video games there you do NOTHING but shoot other humans in a realistic environment, with the most realistic graphics designers can build-you will become more numb to it than someone who has no played the same games for years, and years, and years. This is no different than F1 drivers playing VIDEO GAMES to get ready for a race! If you do research and see the whole story-yes the shooter was a disturbed kid. He was not the norm BUT-he also had no money, no income. He had no means to buy a gun. If his MOTHER did not have weapons, including ASSAULT RIFLES- this would not have happened-PERIOD. A retard with no money is not going to walk into a store and buy a gun now is he? Face the facts people. CCW is fine, I am all for it-training, schooling-background checks, the whole 9 yards- ONE hand gun for home defense purposes is fine-there is ABSOLUTELY no need for civilians to have assault rifles, period. People should not be allowed to have anything more than a one short non-automatic riffle for hunting purposes ONLY. Thats it. If you have a hunting license, then you can have a hunting gun-other wise there is simply no f'ing need. Dont give me that right to bear arms crap-its not 1700. We have an army, and a National guard to protect us from foreign invaders. If you dont trust the US Government to protect you in the case of a foreign invasion-then LEAVE. Go hide in Canada and wait for the "zombie Apocalypse."
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