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Everything posted by MadRussian

  1. MadRussian


    Andrey is low on funds I guess and cant take time off work. The portapotty is a good addition.
  2. MadRussian


    Anythings else we can talk about that is not related to drama
  3. He is comparing it to our site (its not allowed there )
  4. MadRussian

    Ky trip / invite

    Yes I need a spot, and you know I am good with money so I will pay you when i see you. How much are you asking for towing? A friend of mine who live in LA wants a bike and I am looking for a deal for him.
  5. MadRussian


    Did you see that car wreck pics in NWS area. Wow. Kinda makes you check reality. We are all just bags of organs, doesnt take much to tear us up.
  6. MadRussian

    Ky trip / invite

    And for them its like half the distance.
  7. If you guys are interested in good deals let someone know in TSBR. Our local dealer takes care of us big time. It never hurts to shop around for a good price. www.tsbr.us www.hondaeasttoledo.com
  8. Thank you guys, you make me feel so welcome. I am new to this whole bike thing so its good to have someone to look up to.
  9. MadRussian

    Ky trip / invite

    Here is a short clip on Rt 32 top of the mountain. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... 1771553352
  10. There is more where that came from
  11. http://www.myspace.com/47817953 i was not taking it seriously and did not pick a real name, now its too late. I am just another number
  12. you going stealth? I cant see you browsing the forum.
  13. MadRussian


    I am here now to thanks to CBR girl.
  14. MadRussian

    Hey felon

    Hey whats up homos
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