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Everything posted by redbarron77

  1. there is also the price per square foot. 5th wheels will give you more bang for your buck, and the toy haulers are pretty impressive for their capacity to carry toys and quite a few have fuel storage. if you can turn are mechanically inclined, hit craigslist and save $$.
  2. sure Ed, we don't want you to burn out, and working more than 45+ hours per week is completely against the "Global Company Standards", but we have more clients and work than we have people(heaven forbid we tell the client they need to ease up on work), so you need to just work a little extra for the next 2-12 months to get us over the "hump"....forget that concept of sleep or getting to see you family, because our management really needs to get these numbers better or they won't get their bonuses next year(that as one of the Cogs, you are ineligible to receive), cuz management's salary of more than 6 figures/year just isn't enough to support their families....no, you won't get paid more than your salary for this effort, but if a team member recognizes you for your effort, we can maybe get you a purple coffee cup! Never mind about working in a back brace, or being on call for 30+ days at a time, while the overseas offices get multiple holidays off per month, or the country they are working in forbids them to work more than 40 hours per week(Dublin Ireland sounds completely awesome at the moment), nor getting handed monster $hit sandwiches of completely FUBAR'ed work from other off-shore workers, so go ahead and fix those little "mistakes" in your spare time(nothing like upgrading payroll in production incorrectly and leaving 1500+ invalid objects in the database)..... BTW - you are going to be moved to another team so you can assist them while half the team is in the off-shore offices because the other half of the team just quit....but if you need help, just say so, and we will promptly ignore you and focus on the 50% of your work that is late.
  3. go into graphic detail of the explosive diarrhea you had for the majority of the break. don't forget the hemorrhoids and any other details! They will NEVER ask about that kind of stuff again.
  4. that can be accomplished with 2 pieces of tape - AKA - one roll of duct tape!
  5. https://www.amazon.com/Liquid-Ass-Mister/dp/B000OCEWGW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513633409&sr=8-1&keywords=liquid+assfart+spray The reviews of this are awesome!
  6. because muscle weighs more than fat. try not to fall into the "Scale-myth" and rely solely upon your weight to track progress, but include that as one of the factors in your progress. waistline, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, overall feeling, ability to increase in workout....all of these should be factored in when measuring fitness goals!
  7. Why is divorce so expensive??? Because it is worth EVERY PENNY!!!!!
  8. https://www.plugshare.com/ Found this to be pretty interesting. The "J-Style" plugs are pretty available, and a long lunch would let you charge up for an easy day trip.
  9. since I was out of town for turkey day, I only walked the dogs for my workout, but did get back to the "regular" workout this morning, and after turkey day, and a weekend in San Antonio's markets, I stepped on the scale(and after I had to reset the error message "One person at a time Please"), I am actually down 4 pounds from a month ago! Minor progress is still progress!!!!
  10. Start of week 3! 10 minutes of solid cardio, 3x10 of sit-ups, leg lifts, with alternating days of BOSU ball push-ups and squats. in another 2 weeks, I'll be adding in resistance/weight training(a practically new Bow-Flex will get dusted off), and put the cardio at 15 minutes of higher intensity levels(my $15 Craigslist Nordic track) by adding in the resistance on it in small increments. The overall impact I have seen has no major waist line differences yet, but no increases either! I do feel a bit more energy in the later part of the day, so dishes and laundry are not getting behind(since I am still putting in 50+ hours per week).
  11. I did get a call back from the dealer, and the "awesome discount" didn't amount to much, just $2K off, which still put it $4K over the retail prices(from KBB). There is also some fine print in the warranty on the batteries, if the bike was a factory demo(like this one), the 5-year warranty STARTS on the day the bike is delivered to the dealership, and then MAY be transferred to the purchaser....that little tidbit surprised the sales person, and I have not heard back from them.... Also, I misunderstood, the bike listed is the DS model, without the rapid charging option or the extra range the DSR model has(this bike is the DSP - Police).... I'll probably just wait till I can kick loose the $$ for a new one....if the stars align and the job changes come about, I'll probably get Santa to put one under my tree! PS - if the above link info comes true, we may be seeing electric vehicles hitting the really useful range of 300-500 miles, and then all bets are off!
  12. week 1 in the books! while I didn't do any morning "workout", I did quite a few outdoor projects, and even got the bike out(and passed inspection), solid workout with putting it back together, oil changes on 3 vehicles(if you've never changed the oil in a class A RV, it is kinda fun), and fall maintenance on the pool. Felt some muscles I forgot I had! Started week 2 with adding in light calisthenics via push ups and squats with the BOSU ball, 5-7 minutes medium speed cardio, and upping the abs to 3x8. So far, no real muscle pain, just keeping it at a low ache(and LOTS of stretching).
  13. decided to take advantage of the time change....Since work keeps running later and later, preventing me from working out in the evenings, I decided to try waking up 30 minutes "earlier" to get a workout in the morning. starting point - 205 lbs, my 38" pants are too tight, and I am unable to walk at a brisk pace for more than a minute without sounding my age..... keeping it very light for the first week - 5 minutes cardio on the ski machine, 3x5 of crunches/leglifts, and LOTS of stretching.... We'll see if I can keep it up till I can get back in my 36" jeans, and be able to jog for 30 minutes without dying!
  14. yeah, the temp here dropped down into the 50's, and I had to get the heat turned on....had to switch the wardrobe from shorts to pants!
  15. I've been working criminal hours(average 60/wk) for the past 3 years..... Job is looking like a change is coming, and commuting between 40-80 miles per day is looking probable. the '05 Shadow has been a great bike, and I really like the thought of almost no maintenance. Plus, I have been in contact with the dealership on this little baby => http://www.gulfcoastmotorcycle.com/default.asp?page=xNewInventoryDetail&id=2732630&p=1&make=zero&s=Year&d=D&t=new&fr=xNewInventory . I think I can talk them down to a reasonable price, and get them to take off the flashers....don't know about the PA...but who wouldn't want a PA on their bike? I did check into PlugShare.com to see how many level 2 charging stations actually exist, and was very surprised to see the number and distances being enough to make some day trips(Austin, Dallas, Houston) possible....don't know if I have the cajones to actually try those any time soon.
  16. I know how everyone has an opinion, but I would like some technical thoughts on going with an Electric Motorcycle. Zero has some decent reviews, etc, on their last two years of bikes, and I am seriously considering getting one for the daily commute. https://www.zeromotorcycles.com/zero-ds/ I've got a lead on a DSR(actually DSP - Police model that has been gathering dust for two years), and would like to hear some $0.02 from the motorheads here.
  17. I want to work less that 70 hours per week....
  18. IWI Jericho in .45ACP. The preferred sidearm for Israeli officers. Have shot with just about every type of .45, and this one feels like a 9mm as far as recoil goes. Also makes a decent carry. ....and in the immortal words of one nut on another forum "It's been tried on Palestinians daily"
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