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Posts posted by gaewsky1

  1. I've been enjoying the YouTube videos. Keep them coming. It's nice to see the faces and cars (more so the cars!) of some members on the forum and other members of the city.
  2. Where did you shoot these at Hoover? I took the kids today to find them (because of your pics) and didn't have any luck. I searched on Google and saw they may be at the Mudflats Boardwalk but I couldn't find the boardwalk. We gave up after driving a bit and ended up walking across the dam. Please give me an idea where exactly to see the eagles.



  3. I figured I'd post this non boat question here:


    I was at Buckeye Lake and ate at Papa Boo's with the wife and kids. It was nice sitting on their deck overlooking the water. I live a lot closer to Alum Creek, but have never gone, and was wondering if there are any bars/restaurants around Alum Creek?

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