Are you guys serious? I just wanted to set a few things straight before I quit coming here. First, NinjaNick, I feel sorry for you if someone else giving thanks for the food that God has provided embarrasses you. We are all blessed in this country that we have the freedom to worship as we please, and that God has blessed us all. A little gratitude toward Him should not be an embarrassment, it should be the norm. Fusion, it is not about growth and control, it is a community. We worship together to praise the God that has given us life. It is not a cult, in that a cult is “a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious (false)”. Catholicism is neither. Kawi Kid, Tom Cruise has nothing to do with the Catholic Church, get your facts straight. He is a Scientologist. Further, the Catholic church has never done the “send me your money and you will be saved” farce, that is the televangelists, who, by the way, are Protestants. Isac's papa, your caption for the pic with the Pope and Cardinals is just wrong. First, the scandal was overblown by the liberal media, in actuality, <0.2% of Catholic priests have been proven to be abusers, and once found, they were tried, defrocked, and jailed for their crimes. There is no more of a percentage of Priests that abuse than there are teachers in classrooms that abuse throughout the US. Am I making excuses for those who abused? NO! But every organization has it's bad apples, and the Church is doing it's best to get rid of those that abuse. Jermattak, in response to your post, here is what the Bible says: You say the bible says to repent to God, but the bible says “In truth I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” Mathew 18, 18., which is the premise for confession. The bible does not say that God hates religion, it says he hates false religion and hypocrites. We do not “Pray with beads”, we use the rosary as a “place marker” if you will, away to keep our place in this prayer. The Eucharist IS Jesus' body, the wine IS his blood. The bible says “Then he took the bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, 'THIS IS MY BODY given for you, do this in remembrance of me'. He did the same with the cup after supper, and said, this cup is the new covenant IN MY BLOOD poured out for you.” Luke 22, 19-20. Also, we are not praying through Mary, we are asking for her intervention for Jesus' blessings when praying to her. There is a great friend in Mary, and a great friend in faith, her intervention can help out tremendously. The Church is God's house. All of what you describe has a purpose. The size of the church is in proportion to the congregation size. Large churches are necessary for large congregations. The stained glass windows tell a story of our faith, they are not just decorations. Jesus' gold grown is a depiction of his Kingship in heaven, not a representation of what he had on earth. There are many people in all religions who “wouldn't know Jesus if he rolled up on a Ducati and bit them”, so it is not just a Catholic thing. Do not base your view of a religion on a few bad apples. JRMMiii, do you really want to try to use the father of Communism to argue any point? Further, do you believe that an atheist is the best resource to make a religious argument? exSRAaron, neither God nor the Church are against fun. At the wedding party at Cana, Jesus turned water to wine, not just any wine, good wine. Why would he do this? So people at the wedding could continue the party! That just goes to show that there is nothing wrong with alcohol, it only becomes a problem in excess. Catholicism is the only Christian religion that can trace it's beginnings directly back to Christ and his twelve Apostles. Do some research before you just go Catholic bashing. There is a lot of information out there that just is not true. It is not perfect, but what organization is?