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About Pokes

  • Birthday 06/03/1979

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  • Location
    Oxford, OH

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Muchas gracias, Pedro. Tiene ideas sobre coste? Wow. I wrote two sentences in Spanish. Been years since I did that. They probably charge what, about $7 to park down there? More during Taste o' Cinci?
  2. Yeah, there are actually great roads in all directions. I discovered a road with a few turns and even a little micro-twisty section just outside of town for me to practice my curves on. It's just north of town off of 732. It's the first right passed Black covered bridge. I try to ride it a couple times a week to get my noob ass in tune with the bike. I even love riding that section of 27 AKA Colerain Hwy south of Ox just before Colerain. I got the bike into fifth for the first time on that section.
  3. Thanks for the head up, fellers. Good news for me is I rarely hit that side of Cinci. Coming from Tejas, but having lived all over the damn place, I've never seen pot holes and patches like those on Ohio roads. The roads around Oxford are great for riding, but there are some seams, pot holes and around campus lots of manhole covers and mainainence covers that are just plain scary on a bike.
  4. Anyone hitting Taste of Cinci this weekend? I'm thinking of heading down Monday after I do some Kayaking out in Brookville, IN o'ass early in the morning. A cute hippie girl wants me to come out and see her friend's band play around five. Any advice on where the hell to park a bike safetly down there would be deeply appreciated. I don't know Cinci...or Ohio, for that matter, worth a damn
  5. (ka-bump!) I'm actually interested in some super-simple dual sport trails myself. I'd like to get my F into some dirt before I head up for the Chain Gang (BMW F650GS owner's group) Hoot in the Holler up in WV in two weeks.
  6. from a fellow FNG. Your bike IS gorgeous. Love cruisers of that era. I must also, as a Texan, compliment you on your choice of Burnt Orange paint. Go 'Horns!
  7. Where in Tx are you from? I'm from the DFW area, I've been here for almost a year. Austin and San Marcos for the last 13 years before I moved here. Hoping to either move back or head overseas when I finish grad school in a few years. Thanks for the friendly welcome, all. Anyone who wants to ride, drop me a line here or at thesunwolf @ yahoo dot com.
  8. Not half as much shit as when he finds out it's short for Pokes Badgers With Spoons. It's from an Eddie Izzard comedy bit about original sin. "Original sin. What a burden. Hasn't everything been done already?" "Father...I...uh...I poked a badger with a spoon." "Well. Well, done my son! That truly IS an original sin."
  9. I actually live in the "Mile Square" with all the kiddies even though I'm a full time staff member (and starting in a couple of weeks a part-time grad student). I dig it okay. Not my scene socio-econo-politically, but beautiful and a great place to have a bike.
  10. Hey folx, new rider, new member here. Just got my BMW F650GS a few weeks ago after three years of deliberation and research into what to buy. Absolutely in love with mah 'Nona. Looking for riders to ride, wrench and hang out with, especially other roundel riders, but I don't descriminate as long as you don't. I'm ATGATT and you can't miss me. You see a guy on a silver F with a Nuke-you-lur yellow and black Oly Phantom "Tron" suit, that'd be me. Can't miss me. For miles around. Hope to meet some of you soon. Hoping to get the H&B panniers I won on eBay (delivered today!) installed and maybe do some wiring (though I'm terrified) on Saturday afternoon. If the weather is decent Sunday I'm thinking of heading out to Serpent Mound and Fort Ancient and doing some riding and site seeing around there. Being a Texan transplant of 2 years, I figure it's time I started exploring a bit. What's everyone else doing this weekend?
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