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Everything posted by kenny

  1. http://i40.tinypic.com/24gpxy9.jpg Pegs in the rear.
  2. kenny

    Good ISP?

    Wide Open West http://www.wowway.com
  3. kenny

    Good ISP?

    WOW if you can get it.
  4. http://www.visordown.com/motorcyclenews/view/yamaha_to_halt_motorcycle_production/6260.html Weak.
  5. If you had any logical thought process in your head you could figure out my view on that by yourself. But alas, we're here, with you confused, still. Maybe that's why you can't make a low speed (er, high speed, 60mph woo!!1one) lane change with one hand? These are the same guys that were shocked firing a shotgun into an enclosed pillar of water would result in said pillar breaking... Gotta get that attention somehow, it's like arguing with a small child.
  6. It's SW, dude has deep pockets.
  7. and the car would go faster with a TH400 That isn't their goal.
  8. http://ttcperformanceproducts.com/boloirsfo9co.html
  9. They cut the axle tubes and added flanges, making it bolt into a stock location on a Supra. Like this, http://www.cwiinc.com/9inchsuspension.htm
  10. WANT. 4.60@147mph and the dude doesn't even wear gear. That's just asking for it. http://i39.tinypic.com/30bz2px.jpg
  11. http://i42.tinypic.com/8zjvd4.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/21oykol.gif http://i43.tinypic.com/2ccwcxk.gif http://i41.tinypic.com/ehekk6.jpg
  12. http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r250/trowabarton420/funny%20cell%20pics/liftedel.jpg I don't get it. Judging by the width of the tires that could be a very slept Malibu wagon.
  13. I'd like to tell you I'm shocked you still don't comprehend, but I'm not, in the least. Ok - so people in your car are a distraction. You now want to ban human contact in cars? If a cell phone is a distraction what's the difference in talking to a person next to you? Radios? Banned. Speedometer? Banned. Road head? Banned. Let's just ban cars. That's better logic, then little Johnny can't get hurt. Don't improve your awareness and ability to deal with distractions, just ban them. It's the new American way.
  14. kenny

    The Layoff List

    No salaried employee will be getting a raise where I work. They chose that instead of layoffs. Which sucks for our department, since we cleared a good amount of profit and won the presidents award last year.
  15. Again you show that you have the reading comprehension of a third grader. Do you want me to start replying you in crayon? Because I will, I'm using a tablet that makes it very easy to do. Let's do this slowly, try to follow along. This is what you quoted and replied to: I bolded the key word here so your feeble brain can grasp what was said this time around. You're arguing the point I already made (at least that's what I'm left to assume since your wording leaves it open); banning guns is stupid. An armed population is a better defense against crime than an unarmed population. Look at Chicago, DC, Australia, etc for facts. While you're at it look up Switzerland's gun policy as well as Kennesaw, GA. Read the information a few times so you comprehend. Report back when finished. Moving on to the analogy I made, banning cell phones would have the exact result on traffic that banning guns has on crime: not a god damn thing. People still can't drive, they're still distracted. The only thing you've changed is now you can be pulled over for yet another pointless violation. Add that to other nuisance laws created by people like you; seat belt laws, helmet laws, etc. etc. Personal responsibility, in this country? Thing of the past. Traffic isn't incredibly streamlined now. Don't pull the asinine "what if" card. We both know everyone on the road will never be talking on a cell phone at the exact same time. Drivers that are required to pass a defensive driving class like the ones taught at Mid Ohio would learn how to properly merge. If everyone actually knew how to merge traffic would move smoother. Wow, insane logic, right? Did you really just pull that douchebaggery? Seriously? You weren't there, neither was I, you have no idea if she could have avoided the hit, nor do I. Had she taken a defensive driving class maybe she could have avoided it, maybe not. Not all of us are super humans like you that have no faults, that don't get distracted and are better, more focused drivers than the stig. Spare me. I'm going to tell you this again, get off your fucking high horse – banning cell phone usage isn't the solution and you're not the second coming of Christ. You're human like the rest of us and just as guilty of operating a vehicle while not paying 100% attention. If you say otherwise you're also a liar.
  16. Ugh. Fucking spare me. Go take a basic handgun safety class and they'll explain to you what a squib load is.
  17. Know your role. http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/thefinger.gif
  18. If you think a 60mph lane change is a complex maneuver you reiterate what I already stated - the driving test difficulty needs increased. I'm 100% positive I can do that with one hand. There isn't shit to it. Yank left, yank right. Don't touch the brakes so the rear end doesn't go around you. Wow. Hard. I can do it on a bike with one hand too, give me a cookie. If you would have actually read and comprehended what I said, you would see that who you are describing is not me. Daily riding a motorcycle really increases your level of alertness of everything from paint strips to soccer moms on the phone to drunks to cops, you name it, I pay attention to it. A smear on a Jersey barrier? I've never been involved in an accident in my life aside from crashing one bike which was 100% my fault for checking to see where the person behind me was when I should have been looking through the turn and noticing the gravel I put the bike directly on top of. Get off your fucking high horse. Outlawing cell phone usage isn't going to decrease traffic accidents just as outlawing guns isn't going to lower the crime rate.
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squib_load kthxbye
  20. Can't listen with sound because I'm at work, but I'm willing to bet the exhaust note you're hearing is the Porsche.
  21. If you can't make a one handed lane change you probably shouldn't be driving. Also - I ride a motorcycle, people shooting into my lane without notification is a daily occurrence. Stiffer driving tests would teach better defensive driving and this would be a non issue. You're faulting me for a dumbass that can't drive. End scenario.
  22. it worked you're scared as shit, I can see it in your textz
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