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Everything posted by kenny

  1. kenny

    Fuck work

    FWD FTL. G-Body fo lyfe.
  2. kenny

    Fuck work

    Gangster. I've always wanted to build one of those, one of these days...
  3. kenny

    Fuck work

    I rent, so that's not shit I need to worry about.
  4. Werd, and why I hate toolbags like Rich Christensen. Waa, you're sandbagging and not telling me your exact combo, waa. Eat a fat babies dick, hustle harder, get paid.
  5. kenny

    Fuck work

    It will get better over time, the motor going in now is just a beater. I figured I wouldn't be happy with a stock turbo and found a deal on a 61mm with two matching chips for the exact combo I intend to use, so I jumped on it.
  6. kenny

    Fuck work

    I'm spending far more money on this thing than I should be simply because I haven't had a Buick in so long. It's like meth, except you don't lose teeth.
  7. kenny

    Fuck work

    Not too bad, really. The only thing that kept me there late was some talk of a fight that never happened, I paid right when it went down and she got busy and had my card.
  8. It's all about the hustle, they're not going to post that shit and you can bet every one of those cars has more in it than they're showing. Street racing FTW.
  9. kenny

    Fuck work

    I'd rather not end up like you, I'd have to shoot myself.
  10. kenny

    Fuck work

    Mildly big turbo, some bullet proof head gaskets, and soon a cam and lifters, then it should be ready to go in (well, after I tap the block for an oil return).
  11. I've yet to be pulled out of the car, but I've been at gunpoint for a plate light. Another way to know you've arrived is if you manage to get not one, but two speeding tickets within twelve hours - and if that isn't bad enough, add that it was in two different states. But I've never been involved in an accident. I get raped on insurance as if I have been, though. America, fuck yeah.
  12. Trash talk is the best part about street racing. Endless lulz.
  13. I work tomorrow, new years eve and new years day.
  14. lulz slow reaction time, just like CPD
  15. I'm well aware, my traffic record is epic.
  16. People still listen to terrestrial radio?
  17. Deaths sky rocketing is a good thing.
  18. kenny

    Fuck work

    Reverse Jesus is created when you masturbate in the bath and your sister falls pregnant by then bathing in the same water. Reverse Jesus would blind and cripple random people. And give them leprosy. Reverse Jesus crucified the entire Roman Empire. Reverse Jesus makes you die for his sins. Reverse Jesus can sink in water. Reverse Jesus can turn wine into water. Reverse Jesus dares you to stone whores if you're sinner. He was born in a cave on Easter and was killed in a shootout on Christmas eve when three kings finally tracked him down for outstanding debts of gold and spices.
  19. kenny

    Fuck work

    Fire me too, I should be at home sleeping.
  20. kenny

    Fuck work

    Fuck that dude, if I don't work I get free money from the government. Handouts FTW, it's the American way. CHANGE, bitches.
  21. kenny

    Fuck work

    I'm not sure the exact physics of that, but I'll give it a shot.
  22. kenny

    Fuck work

    I'll give you $2 a day.
  23. kenny

    Fuck work

    Give it to me, asshole.
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