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Everything posted by kenny

  1. kenny

    Fuck work

    Trane/Ingersoll Rand
  2. I dress up in a clown suit, pull my dick out and start fapping.
  3. kenny

    Fuck work

    You know I'm good for it.
  4. I still want a 300ZX, I just don't want to work on it, ever.
  5. kenny

    Fuck work

    God damnit I need breakfast, someone bring it to me.
  6. kenny

    Fuck work

    I had one yesterday and it was epic. It might happen again today.
  7. kenny

    Fuck work

    This dude I work with makes bacon EVERY morning. He's the anti-christ, it smells so god damn good.
  8. kenny

    Fuck work

    A good boss would get bacon, lettuce, tomato and some bread. Breakfast of champions.
  9. kenny

    Fuck work

    It's pretty much required when you go K-12 at C-Bus Publik skoolz.
  10. kenny

    Fuck work

    God now I'm going to start beatin'.
  11. kenny

    Fuck work

    I got free donuts, so that always makes the morning better.
  12. kenny

    Christmas tomorrow

    I'll make more money posting on CR that day than you make in a week, lol.
  13. kenny

    Fuck work

    7:00am here and I'm getting PAID
  14. kenny

    Ice sucks.

    No, people that drive in front of me during said ice, suck.
  15. Nova had the brake... Avon got in that ass. Avon is good friends with one of the best Buick builders in the country, his car straight gets busy. "a "friendly" little grudge race against a big block Nova, Nova gets the jump,Nova gets smoked......Avon gets paid. Awwwww darn it, the bottle was disconnected once again. Thanks for the video Artie." Last I saw the car it was running DEEP 8s, if I remember right 8.20s... and that was with out the spray since it isn't allowed in that class (TSO). He left that event and drove to Nopi to race, but they wouldn't let him since he was too fast. Let him qualify, then the other racers bitched he didn't qualify Saturday like the rest of them... they were scared.
  16. I don't, but Ben sure does. It's like he's dating a tranny but hasn't gone in for a crotch grab just yet.
  17. Artie > * Heated garage makes installing shit so much easier. I almost went riding that day, as SOON as I went outside it started raining.
  18. I'm going to kill Gerg and Scott with the wrong end of a claw hammer.
  19. Are you fucking serious? Its a link to Amazon, if it's referencing anything it's the site I stole it from.
  20. http://www.amazon.com/You-Are-What-Drive-About/dp/0760332630/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1229624812&sr=1-1 http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2008/12/YAWYD-GN_Photo-804px.jpg http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2008/12/YAWYD-GN_Text-804px.jpg lulz. I wonder what it says for El Caminos.
  21. More proof that Apple is for gays.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY-SCzaqxVo Zebra one is better.
  23. its cold, perfect time to fix it
  24. It doesn't shock me in the least that you would find that dipshit to be funny.
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