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  1. The big reason also is that ive been riding for 6 years now and havnt had a ticket in over 4, and have a class A drivers liscence. And majority of cops who are ex military wont fuck there own, but you have your few fucks that will right another cop a ticket anyday-Just so he can go to court for 10 minutes and and get paid 4 hours of over time for it..
  2. So tonight on 4th st near campus I was riding a wheelie when a cop lights me up while im riding one wheel. He's like I dont give military people tickets but you had three improper lane changes and you were riding a wheelie, and I just cant let you go on that. So he runs my liscence and comes back and says well this is your lucky night, go on and get the hell out of here, O one more thing try to slow down a little bit no need to be in a rush...Gotta luv the few ones out there Never wrote me for no mirrors, no liscence plate light, no liscence reflector, and no turn signals, and a swing arm liscence plat holder, Um and riding at night with only my temps..God Damn Im lucky
  3. Last summer the same fucker stopped me for liscence plate location and no mirrors, and two days later on 71 again stopped me again for the same shit. Both times gave me a warning and never even asked for my drivers liscence..But he did say he will be giving warnings at first and if that doesnt work he will start ticketing. He rides a big ass gold wing and is mainly on 71 N But all he does is freeway patrol. He especiallly targets sports bikes since he rides and knows every little stupid motorcycle law there is to know.
  4. Wed 40 % chance of rain..Thursday High 68 ...I can ride any time after 4:00 pm
  5. Just found out about this on sunday when a few of us rode with some guys that are already a part of this web page..Hope to ride again soon
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