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Everything posted by dbeinf

  1. Are you still on here? I am in Iraq now back in Ohio for good in October. I am looking to buy a new R1 when I return. How have you been doing?

  2. Hey long time no hear. I am back in the Army and stationed in Hawaii. I am able to ride all year here. 80 everyday. How have you been? Do you remember who I am?


  3. Hey this is Dan Eaton I wanted to know if you could change my name again. After the crash a while ago I lost all changes and my pictures. Can you change my name back to FastFood

    I love the year round bike time I get here in Hawaii.

  4. What do old women and dog shit have in common?... The older they are the easier they are to pick up....
  5. I have a friend very interested in this weapon. Email my your info for the weapon at dbeinf@yahoo.com
  6. I just saw the price...
  7. dbeinf


    First post. 2200 miles on my first bike. So far I love to ride. Dayton, Oh:D
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