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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. welcome!!! and i am in love with the 919.
  2. i remember my third grade teacher offering a 100% class average to anyone in the class who could get through the game without her dieing of an effing misquito bite!!! so so true!!!
  3. Nobody is throwing putnam out there for an amazing beginers track? A nice front straight leading into a very forgiving turn one in case you miss a breaking mark (I know this for a fact ) a very easy track configuration to learn and a couple complicating corners and a good amount of easier corners to help a new track rider to not feel overwhelmed.... I mean it's not going to compare to a mid-Ohio bluegrass or from what I hear a grattan but I don't think it would have to from a new trackdayers stanpoint. It's not the most complicated place in the world and I will admit after two days in a row there I was ready to go home and take what I learned there to mid-ohio but I did learn a lot there vs my two days at mid-Ohio. Mostly because I didn't feel any bit intimidated there, it was just a track I could just have fun at, and not worry which of the three lines would be best through the key hold, or how I should enter/exit the carousel, or even how I should hold mid-corner speed through the corner. Putnam is a straight forward track where you really don't have to worry about such things, you go run your lines and have fun.
  4. I'm in!!! And bring a med. shirt for me.
  5. I feel discriminated against because I'm not from Cleveland. and yes knicks your avatar makes me scroll down the page a little faster whenever I see it.
  6. How rediculous would it be to have a wera or css support race
  7. Yeah sign up now, it goes race by race, so you have to keep up with things. You have to pick the winner, one of the two other podium finishers, and the first dnf. You get 3 points for picking the winner, 1 point for the other podium finisher, and two points for the first dnf.
  8. sounds good!!! i have been waiting for this to show up on 600rr.net again! and nate here is how i am going to call it. rossi dovi. (yes i put him in second place) stoner pedro lorenzo caparossi hayden edwards (but he may do a lot better than that though)
  9. theres a helmet??? i must have missed that.... let me look again. nope still dont see it.
  10. youre more than welcome to join us! post up and let everyone know you are here in the intro section. :guitar:
  11. dont worry i love it too... but i would rather have the repsol, or white but if someone gave it to me i would definitelly not sell it.
  12. lizard nails it again! Very well put! I would hope losing his gp spot will light a fire under his ass, and I will not take his "sub par" team excuse either. For what I hear stiggy has invested a good amount of money this year in their new wsbk team as well as their wss team. So we will see what happens... In order for him to stay on the map he needs to get his junk together and ride the balls off that Honda.
  13. I think hopper will hold his own, I have always found him as being overconfident though, hopefully not having an official ride for 2009 will fix that. Glad to see him out running a wsbk race though! And hopefully he does well for the stigy boys. And God I hope haga wins the championship this year... Spies is showing them how it's done though, I think the ducati boys have whipped haga into shape, it's what he needed but I do miss the old haga. I don't think I have seen him back it into one corner so far this season
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