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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. Click on his smugmug link in his signature your eyes will be blown away.
  2. e-flores

    OR - Dayton

    speed has be reencarnated in as a post whore!!!
  3. I guess I shouldn't Have said anythig in the first place.
  4. I just don't cope well w/ cold weather, I have dealt with much worse, but I can't say I didn't complain or shiver either.
  5. I def. Went with longoria... This is going to sound wierd but mendez reminds me of a few of my relatives including one of one of my sisters.... (and no I'm not posting pics) that and longoria just has some kind of uniqueness about her. I can't explain it, mendez is just a text book hottie I like the more uniquie.
  6. BS!!! It was effing cold! I have no fat to keep my scrawney body warm!!! I was shivering sitting in the parking lot on 35. I didn't get warm until I stood behind one of the busas on the dyno. And the only reason that got me warmed up was because of the 3 foot flame that got shot out the back. But maybe I'm just a Pansey....
  7. good idea!!! i am sure we can find plenty of random people to host a bike "DAY" around the state and it would be a great reason to take a nice long ride on the bike than we would still have the bike night in c-bus every week.
  8. I'm not all that proud that I get the joke, it's a computer nerd thing....
  9. We had one previously but a reserection of another bike night would be amazing!!!
  10. its hwilli's!!! and God is that thing amazing! and i am liking the new wheels.:grin:
  11. i was thinking the same thing! THAT GUYS AN IDIOT!!! :grin::grin::grin:
  12. It's Ohio!!! It's no real suprise when we see all 4 seasons in one day!
  13. id rock it!!! i couldnt imagine seeing this on the street.
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