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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. yeah 190 not happenen! I am still not at the limit of the 180 yet soooooo....
  2. why do they have to be 190s?!?!?!?
  3. +1 if you want your kid in music teach him the piano, not saying it to be stupid its the truth. i have been playing bass or a long time now and i dont know how many timesi have said i need to learn how to play the piano.
  4. yeah i still hold the trump card!!!
  5. I agree! I figured you guys would enjoy.
  6. alright so one of the guys for 600rr.net made this video and i couldnt stop laughing for some reason. its super corny but it happens. i know you guys have felt the same way about your bike at one time or another so enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEWaxU9VLe8 and i know that i spelled valentines wrong in the title but i cant fix it. i dont want to hear about it either, im cripple
  7. punks i will be out of town!!!
  8. I hate to say this but this is one messes up conversation, and a friends mom...., does he knowablut this?
  9. and thanks for the concerns everyone, I dontthink I have told anyone yet sorry
  10. Yeah I am still working, I drive a truck all day so its not so bad... And they sent me to a physical therapist because they want me to still be moving my finer the same time it is healing because if I don't move the tendons out of the wayof the bone they will heal together and then I will have a gimp pinky.
  11. Im not sure? I my be buying another bike? Or I may sell my bike and buy a decent track bike and a decent road bike? I have some complications... But it happens. But I will let you know if I do. I know gixxie is getting everyone together to do a tracday at putnam
  12. I do the same, I hate to say it but that's about the only time I log on there as well. It seems I have no more questions about the rr, I have seen just about every mod there is to do for our bikes, and when I try to answer someones question someone else beats me to it with a better answer than what I had in mind. But the parts and racing sections are what keep me there. Glad to see you are considering sticking around as well, we have alot of track riders who know what they are doing. Including lizzard who is at every mid-Ohio trackday he will answer all your questions and we have some racers that hang around as well. but as far as the board goes we are pretty close knit as well. The only downfall to that is we tend to obtain some drama but ignore it and go on with life.
  13. some decent news. my hand isnt in a cast it is chillin in a splint that i can take on and off and it shouldnt take that long to heal. todays trip to the hand specialist went better than i thought.
  14. haha you forgot the part where he yelled at you for running into him when he backed into you
  15. yeah I was thinking about that. Either you are going to be really ahead or you are going to get shafted, hopefully you get the better end of the stick.
  16. He already has a kawi, but I would say he wants another rr
  17. not unless you do them yourself and there is no class when it comes to pinstripes.
  18. no rat fink bike! and yes flat black is the most amazing color in the world!!!(with added pinstripes of course)
  19. yep it was but for some reason it decided it wanted to be the hitler of pine boards. and whodey i am a skilled lefty, so no problems
  20. Ok I may be going to putnam not for sure though I will find out today.
  21. my favorite is when he steps out of the car with rossi.
  22. jacked up!!! really didnt want to see that today but it happens. i really think motorcycle education needs to be hammered into drivers heads.
  23. so no more excuses to not hit the track right
  24. sad sad story, i found some more spots for sale on the stt forum but as of right now my hand is casted up..... im not happy!
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