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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. matt you gunna stay around here longer? or are you gunna be a single poster?
  2. awsome!!! i was thinking i would be out off commision for at least a month, but it looks better than i expected.... and i am not punching anything else trust me.
  3. i know he does some crazy ninja stuff! i.e. breaking boards. but dont know where he is at with his ninja skill level. in fact the about a month ago i remember him talking about his kid breaking his first board.... now i feel like even more of an idiot.
  4. fusion how long do these usually take to heal? and yes men are stubborn, welcome to life. i was stubborn enough not to go to the doctor until after the ride sunday because there may have been a chance that i would have had a cast. and goes to show i am glad i waited.
  5. .... i would rather break it bowling so i wouldnt have to explain my own stupidity. but thats just me. and i am going to have a hard time waiting because i may be buying a 749s soon
  6. story time, (and i am typing with my left hand so i dont want to hear anything about typos) so last thursday we had some extreme downtime in the shop. someone had this bright idea of breaking some boards, off some nicer skids in the shop, and punching them in half. i know sounds like a bad idea already. but the experements had already cominced the day before, in which noone had broken their hands or had done any damage to any part of their body including the the forehead in which T.C. had broken a board across as well. but i wasnt in the shop at the time to see all this glorious action because i was running deliveries in the truck. but back to thursday, shorrtly after hearing of such amazing happenings a am asked if i want to try? i say no. and the next sentence i utter out is classic! and i directly quote myself, i mean word for word! "no im good because with my luck i would break my hand." they say ok. carry on and repeat the happenings of the day before. First up is T.C. he clears through his board the same way jet lee would have, his fist splits the wood, wooden shrapnel fly everywhere, picture perfect. i chuckle a little in amusement. and feel no hardship twards my self esteem. next up my brother in law, he steps up and bam! board splits in half, not as dramatic as tc's but my self esteem takes a huge blow. i dont have alot of respect for his stature and now i feel obliged to step up to the plate. we get the board all lined up ready to go. i pull back and let the board have it, and you know that sound people make when they press their tounge on the roof of their mouth and let it go? like a knock but not exactly? well thats spot on what it sounded like board doesnt split at all, and i hit it good! well i get called a pansy and i try for a second atempt. i step back and give it everything i got, this time same noise but a heck of alot louder! i look down at my hand and there is blood dripping from my knucle and remnants of blood are also on the board. so my brother in law says step aside, and he takes a whack at it, funny enough it looks as he repeated my first try, same noise an nothing breaks. tc grabbs the board and trys to elbow drop the thing and nothing. as of right now i not in much pain i am just laughing at everyone else trying to atempt to break this thing. we eventually used the backside of a hammer to tear the thing appart. but all is sasid and done. i go home and by thetime i get home my hand is throbbing and swollen like crazy it looks as if someone placed a gumball between my pinky knuckle and my skin. no joke. i slap some ice on it and go to sleep for the rest of the day, i opted not to go to the doctorr to have it checked out because i really didnt think it was broken and i didnt want to pay bills for no reason. the next couple of days kinda sucked but i got over the pain and went on with life, i just thoufght it was bruised and told myself the sweling would go down.... then sunday comes, i ride with the c-bus/dayton gang and had an awsopme time, no real complaints about the hand i only demanded that people shook my left hand and not the right and had to turn the steering damper way down. and the day was good. then yesterday the swelling finally went down enough that i could see the damage, and it really didnt look good at all. so i called the doc. and make an apointment. went to see him today and took a look at some good x-rays inwhich i see my pinky knuchel dangling by some tendon and stuffed up underneath the broken portion of my handbone. they call it a boxer fracture! imagine that. but i go to see a hand specialist tommorow but as of right now my hand is chillin in a splint and i may be off the bike for a while..... not too happy:mad:
  7. punk!!! Oh well have a good one guys!
  8. matt should let you know asap he is a cool guy, I actually met him at my first trackday last year. Tell me if you can't make it either because I may be able to make it.
  9. yep retarded!!! we are going to donate this $700,000 house to you so you can take out a $450,000 loan and send the house into foreclosure.... what do people think???
  10. I really can't pull off Thursdays that's the reason I meet up with the cincy guys on Wednesdays, sorry jarvis but if I am ablero pull off a Thursday u will give you guys the heads up for sure.
  11. thanks whodey! I didnt mean it as a bad thing though, but who am I? C'mon I have been a member here for longer than that havent I? I guess I never really posted much before you took your leave of absence... I was more of a lurker and it seemed like you commented on every thread before. So I guess it was more awkward not having you around. But it is AWSOME to have you back.
  12. yeah if you ever get burned by someone on the board just hope it is fusion because if it is him it is usually pretty entertaining.
  13. i have to say putty it is kinda awkward to see you posting again.... but its good to have you back. and i want to see whodey bustin out some rockband as well please
  14. I know the feeling man!
  15. yeah I am in the same boat, I so want a liter bike but there is so much power and I still have alot to learn on the 600.
  16. .... Makes sense I was wondering if he was going to go for a vented solo seat to maybe get rid of some of the heat from the exhaust? But apparently not. But I do have to say that is one of the best street exhaust I have ever heard! But playerpro still has my number 1 vote. If that 600 was a 1000 though it would give it a run for its money though.
  17. haha get used to it buddy because I know you will ride with us more often. And what are your plans for a back seat on that kawi of yours?
  18. e-flores

    Ride 7/27

    we had a talk with him a little farther down the road. Someone called the cops on us and told them that we were being wreckless down the 350 hill over by ft. Ancient... Whodey, nick, and I got singled out at a bank and this cop my size decided he wanted to be tough about everything and eventually said if we catch you guys doing anything else that we were going to go to jail.... But no tickets were handed out which was nice!
  19. e-flores

    Ride 7/27

    yeah we are going to have to split into smaller groups though, there is no way we can have 15+ people and expect to stay together. I know a good portion of the route but not all of it.... I will have to head out that way a few more times before I know everything though....
  20. e-flores

    Ride 7/27

    :lol:cleaner your first pic it looks like joe has a mullet but its really a road sign. and what the heck is up with my feet?
  21. e-flores

    Ride 7/27

    I will post some up tommorow. As of right now I am going to sleep I have to work at 5am tommorow..... Not too happy!
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