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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. This thread is headed to nowhere town. Fast.
  2. Agreed. In some ways, it will be our downfall as a society.
  3. I liked Ron Paul's ideas for the most part. Problem is, with the two party system and the cash that backs them, he'd never get any of it accomplished...let alone elected.
  4. Super GI Joe, with the Kung Fu grip FTW!
  5. We're all beating a dead horse. I think we can do a group hug and learn from this. If it's not a ride that everyone is familiar with or there are new folks involved, HASH OUT THE DETAILS BEFORE HAND. Make the people in the back feel comfortable that they won't get left behind. I think this goes a long way in keeping people from riding above their ability (they don't want to get left/lost, so they try to play catch up). The communication ALSO lets the faster riders up front enjoy their ride without having to back track aimlessly looking for the tail end. COMMUNICATION people! Oh yeah, and:penis:
  6. It was all fun and gmaes until he whipped his big black cow out.
  7. I believe Justin was just asking because the Rt 60 romp we had last year is our only point of reference, and he is curious. I don't believe it was in reference to this 'ride' on Sunday. Innocent query. Don't take offense.
  8. Not that I know of..I've never been on there forum either. Our rt60 romp had a mixture of abilities..and there were people who were OK with riding slower in the back...as well as the people in the front who were riding like track gods (Uncle Puck..his skillz are l33t)..BUT we all hashed that out in the beginning. And between myself and Puck we always had someone in the front and near the middle who knew where they were going. It doesn't sound like everyone was on the same page on this ride...and I guess that's why I (and others) posted those suggestions. I've never had a problem on any ride I've been on..only because I make sure everyone is on the same page before we start. Any ride I've ever captained is done per my suggestions above, and everyone has a good time.
  9. Can we get this shut down before someone breaks out the GOATSE?
  10. Can we shut this thread down ?!?
  11. ...I can smell the shit storm coming. I think communication is going to be the key to resolving issues like this, both pre-ride, during the ride and after. I don't have 40,000 miles in group rides (props to whoever that was), but I've been on more than I can remember...and they were well organized rides. I think what's happening here is that this part of OR hasn't had many organized rides, and people are cutting their teeth on the whole concept. I'm going to share a few things that helped me/us when I was riding with DSB and others. Some of you already know this...some of you most likely don't..and the others will tune me out. Here's my two cents on what works: -For bigger groups, or groups where people don't know where they're going, a Chatterbox works wonders. If ANYONE has a Chatterbox, you should speak up when the ride is being planned. One rider in the front and another somewhere near the middle/back can keep the group together. That being said, most people don't have em, and they aren't necessary to have a good ride. Just one of those 'nice to have' items. -Someone needs to lead the group....you can't have too many cooks in the kitchen, and on the other end of the spectrucm, you can't have the blind leading the blind...UNLESS you're scouting, and then it's expected. Leading the group means you need to keep the group together...however you have to do it. Sometimes traffic happens...cows in the road (last year joke) ..whatever. The leader can't get so far ahead the rest of the group that when he takes a turn only those right behind him knows where he went. That brings me to my next point - Having a mixed group of riders , based on skill level, is a difficult thing to work and make everyone happy. It's best to split up into two groups IF the faster group is not wanting to wait up for the rest. Pick a meeting spot and stagger the start times. This also requires double the ride captains. Next point.. - Have a little community gathering BEFORE the ride starts to hash all of this out. Everyone comes with working bikes, decent tires, tank full of gas (I know..I know..) and GEAR. If you are going to ride like Rossi and you have jeans/shorts/tank tops/etc on, I won't ride with you. You may have the skill set, but if something goes wrong and you are a bloody mess in the middle of the road, two things will happen. 1, the ride will be ruined for everyone and that's not cool. 2, I will take pictures of your mangled body and post them all over the internet. - I don't know if this was done, but have a preplanned route before the ride!! That way, everyone who isn't familiar with the roads can at least print it out and bring it with them if they get separated. - Know your hand signals. That is all.
  12. ^^ Meh. Gonna be the same for me. I hate NE Ohio!!!! Damnit!
  13. I know a few local cops and a state trooper (popped me doing triple digits on the turnpike..been good friends since). I assure you, they don't have time to cruise motorcycle forums looking for spots to catch people. There are enough bone heads in cages and on bikes for them to meet their ticket quota, and then some. Posting routes is something I've/we've done on here and other forums for ages (ok..not ages, but you get my drift). It allows others to tweak it if needed and provide input. I've never had a problem, or heard anyone who has had a problem with 'route jacking'. LOL I just coined a new phrase. I understand that just because I haven't experienced it doesn't make it gospel, but I do believe the threat of that happening is pretty low. Besides, whoever hits that route will most likely NOT be the only group of bikes on the road. In short..post that fucker up! LOL
  14. Why don't you post the route too, via Google Maps or similar?? ..which I think is a good idea for anyone suggesting a group ride...IF they have a route in mind. That way, you might be able to pick up some stragglers if they can't meet you at the starting point...AND everyone has an idea where the group is headed and possible print a copy of the map to bring with them if they have to break off at any point.
  15. BTW Brian tuned my ZX10 last year. The gas mileage savings more than paid for the cost of the tune over time. He comes highly recommended.
  16. One of my favorite places. The eye candy is hard to beat.
  17. I didn't say I wouldn't...I never brought those people in the conversation. You did. You obviously didn't read anything I typed..you just waited for your chance to respond. I AM NOT DEBATING WHAT HE SAID. I SAID IT MORE THAN ONCE....HE WAS WRONG. And yeah, you quoted what I said but there were statements before and after that quote you managed to leave out that explained what I was saying. Not surprised...quoting everything I said in front and behind would make your argument moot. I'm not going to bother repeating my original point...because people on here obviously only read what they want, and throw everything else away. I could say it 10 more times in bold 90 point font, and someone will only quote 5 words and try to make an argument out of that. Carry on.
  18. You took my words out of context. Again, not unexpected. It seems to be the norm. Again...if you're not practicing what you preach, then don't preach. You wanna call Obama an idiot for saying what he said? FINE. I'll stand right next to you and say the same. You wanna call Obama an idiot and in the next few words you're talking about drool on chins? Um no. I don't have a problem if you want to refer to those kids as droolers..that's your perogative. Just don't bash someone else while you do it.
  19. That is probably the smartest thing..it's probably going to be cooler than last Sunday..and I guarantee the people further north will be COLD. Maybe another 45-60 minutes of riding would have been better (we were too musy stuffing our pie holes)...maybe you should look at this as road scouting?!?! Go out and find some roads, make notes. No one comes with any expectations of 5 hours romps. Just a suggestion. Better to scout NOW when the temps aren't that favorable, than LATER when you are really wanting to hit the twisties.
  20. RIP I know people are full of emotion right now..but let's not turn on each other. The poster a few posts up was just trying to explain what happened. Yes, there is a time an place for that...and I don't think he/she was being disrespectful, they just wanted to get the true story out there (according to them). I'm not going to pass judgement on the cager or the bikers...I wasn't there and this most likely isn't the place or time. BUT..I will say that we all need to learn a lesson from this..so his death is NOT in vain. Whether it be to keep the racing on the track, or to be extra careful at intersections because of stupid cagers....let's all learn something and teach someone else. I didn't know him personally, but I'm willing to bet my right arm he would want it that way. RIP brother.
  21. They're GREAT for broiling steak in the oven during the winter. The secret is to heat the skillet up for 20 mins a few inches from the broiler, before you drop the steak in. I have a few..but they're staying with me. Oh yeah..pain in the ass to clean and take care of.
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