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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Follow this man's advice.
  2. This is all a joke. He's filiming a 'documentary'. Everyone involved with his appearances, even the letterman show, had to sign NDA's. It's a joke people. He's not for real.
  3. Nah..I wouldn't say it was a waste. It's definitely something you want to experience at least once..just to say you did it. I wish it was as big here as it is in Japan (Pride/M1)..60,000 people in the same place.
  4. I did the single player on the hardest level (Veteran level. You unlock the extra hard level after finishing it I think) in about 10 hours. There are more than a few firefights where you will die multiple times. I don't suggest going through it on an easier level, because you wont be forced to take cover nearly as much as you should be. The game is really that good. BIG attention to detail. And the game gets the "Gratuitous use of the word FUCK" award. You can rent it..but multiplayer is where the game shines. It's worth the purchase.
  5. How much did that Moss 500 run you? That is the exact configuration I'm looking for.
  6. Killzone 2 is teh hotness. YUTT UGGGHHHHH!!!!!
  7. I just got my bike back this AM!! I hadn't seen it since October! I'm down for a quick jaunt.
  8. I haven't been to the Arnold since I last competed there and whooped some ass..around 7 years ago. I always say I want to go, but it's hard to be there and not compete. And I've heard the UFC tix are crazy expensive to get close to the action. If the card was better, I would do it..but I'll just catch it on PPV somewhere.
  9. I agree with everything you posted here. This is what I'm talking about..someone actually took the time to figure out why they didn't like this shit, instead of forming an opinion on some anonymous paragraph. There's hope for this place yet.
  10. When people say this bill allows for private homes to be searched..yeah, that's a half truth. Again, I'm not sticking up for this bill..or ANY bill regarding gun control. What I'm opposed to is people trying to get the natives all riled up on things that are NOT facts. Like..the whole..'the assault weapon ban covers any gun with a magazine'. Same thing!! If people took the time to research what they are campaigning for and forming opinions on, is that such a bad thing? You're trying to make this sound like it's OK for people to post something that is inaccurate and get everyone else to agree with it. If you're going to be against this bill, be against it for the right reasons...the facts..not something that someone anonymous person on the internet stated. Again...that point will be glazed over...watch. Have fun being upset over things that don't exist. I'm not going to lose sleep over it. When I choose to be upset or emotional over something, I'll be sure to have all the facts I can at my disposal. I don't assume or take anything for granted. Carry on. Matt:cool:
  11. Exactly. Although, those missiles were for purely offensive reasons, they principle is still the same. We wouldn't tolerate another countries weapons systems that close to our borders. It's no surprise that Russia is pissed off. And let's be honest...the system might take down one errant missle, but it is easy to overwhelm. AND we can take down a few missles right NOW without the shield.
  12. Ok..now I'm a fuck tard. Got it, internet warrior. I like how being behind a keyboard gives people all sorts of courage. Anyways..if the shoe fits...I guess. I didn't call you out by name..or anyone in particular. I made an observation. I guess that's against the law too. And yeah, you are entitled to your position on gun control. So is everyone else. That's not what my post was about...again.
  13. Again..more misdirection. I'm not talking about the politicians..or the mf'er who introduced this bill. I'm talking about the general population..more specifically the people on this forum. This is what usually happens, and it's happening right now. Someone posts some half truth nonsense. Take your pick. The half truth is exposed as just that. Now, the discussion turns to something else without anyone addressing the the original post or statement or whatever was flawed. Wash/Rinse/Repeat. Next, what will happen is that someone will say that I support the government taking control of our lives...which is so far from the truth it's not even funny. It's not even ABOUT the bill!!!! or gun control!!! or cock size!! it's about people BLINDLY believing every piece of shit they read on the Internet. MY GOD!!! This is the internet!!
  14. You're missing my point..did you actually read my post or just posted a knee jerk reaction? I am not debating the act of gun control..or this bill in particular. The point of my post was that people are being SHEEP when they comment on something they don't research for themselves. If I had posted on that olink that was posted by OP, that 'This Bill will keep guns from every American under 80 years old', and everyone who posted in this thread came in and said "that's wrong...that's BS..blah blah blah" without actually taking the TIME and EFFORT to research what the bill ACTUALLY said...it makes you look stupid. That is EXACTLY what happened in this thread...and other threads about the same topic. Someone posts a half truth, and the masses want to jump on it and say Obama needs to be dealt with..or the government has no business doing that..etc etc etc. The point isn't whether or not those things are true..the point is, did you or anyone else bother to RTFA?!?! That's what I'm fed up with..people who don't bother researching anything on their own and are ready to start a lynch mob over shit they don't even understand.
  15. Reading between the lines doesn't work for me. I prefer facts when I make decisions or form opinions on something. See...what happens is people naturally want to 'read between the lines' when it serves their own cause..and follow the 'letter of the law' when it suits them as well. I don't think having it both ways really works. Everyone needs to be on the same page..and that's what knowing the facts first gets you.
  16. Again...you didn't READ. You are quoting someone's personal interpretation of the bill. Not the actual bill itself. If you had bothered to keep reading a mere paragraph away, you would be edumacated. Please provide the actual text from the bill stating that individual households will be searched. *waiting*
  17. Let the Europeans build their own shite. Let me ask everyone this..would you want Russia building a weapons system in Canada or Mexico? Didn't think so.
  18. I don't agree or disagree with this..I don't have an opinion on it yet. But, it's clearly obvious that you guys and gals did not read the whole Snopes page. More Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt...which seems to be rampant on this forum. The inspection is ONLY for places where firearms are manufactured or stored for COMMERCE, not ordinary households. This isn't a bill made to selectively pick people households and raid them. Get real people. Again, I don't really have an opinion on this one way or the other...but what I simply can't stand is people creating paranoia based on half truths. People....RTFA!!!! Stop commenting on shit that you only read the first couple of words on. Unreal.
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