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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Battery time of 'Approx 2 hours'? Can someone try to put this to the test? I'm interested to see how accurate their approximation is.
  2. MOAR VIDEO!! I'd like to see how this things performs while moving at 80 MPH.
  3. Full episodes aren't on Hulu yet (don't know if they'll ever be) but they do have some short clips up. Justin, you gotta watch it. I was skeptical at first...just because there isn't much on TV that makes me laugh. But any show that manages to say 'cock' without having it censored is a 'WIN' in my book.
  4. Thanks Tod. Lenko says he's interested, but I haven't heard anything else from him. Unless I have an agreement in place to sell this to someone, or have cash in hand, it's still for sale if anyone else is interested. No offense to anyone, but I've danced this dance many times and cash is always the best song.
  5. ?? Explain please. I must be missing out on some cheap fun.
  6. lulz Fonz I'm taking my ass to bed too. This has been entertaining for sure...more so than the porn I was watching earlier.
  7. I would have went to see Palin. She's an idiot, but she's a hawt idiot.
  8. I'm glad it's below freezing outside. The dog poop will be easier to pick up.
  9. I'm guessing Live has more volume?!?! Don't know. All I know is, it takes the fun out of the game when it happens. I won't even talk about the elevator/tactical insertion glitches that put you in places on the map you're not supposed to be. So ..fuck MW2 until it's fixed. If they had a beta, they could've knocked a lot of this shit out before it got released.
  10. How is having unlimited sentry's, harriers, Pave Low's..etc, NOT a bad thing? You may not see the volume on PSN that exists on Live, mainly because there is more volume on Live. But you can't say that people hiding in rocks, and getting unlimited air support and sentrys is not that big of a deal. And for the record, I had a good night. Did pretty damn good..but every single match I played involved someone glitching...which gave them a serious advantage. To me, that's a big problem.
  11. How is he NOT wrong when saying federal employees are exempt from this coverage? I quoted an excerpt from the bill...the VERY SAME SECTION HE SAYS GIVES FEDERAL EMPLOYEES AN EXEMPTION...I quoted the exact section where it defines who is eligible. It clearly states anyone who is NOT on Medicare AND covered under an employer's plan..EVEN IF IT'S A FEDERAL PLAN, is eligible for this coverage.
  12. Good question. I don't know. I don't know enough about these bill to form much of an opinion. I'd like to hear the answer to your question though. My spiel in this thread has been because of the uninformed 'opinions'...not based on any facts what-so-ever. If Obama's plan stinks, let it stink based on the facts, not because of some shit cooked up on a blog or an email.
  13. http://www.ps3vault.com/mw2-glitches-will-be-patched-in-update-1-06-7990
  14. My statement ..and the quote I provided earlier from the bill YOU posted, was meant to show you that ANYONE WHO IS CURRENTLY COVERED CAN KEEP THEIR PLAN. There is no 'APPROVAL' process.
  15. Please show me where your health plan needs to be 'approved'.
  16. I think you misunderstand...I'm not saying that there are 20 sentry turrets on the map at once....or 10 Harriers in the sky. I'm saying that they come in repeated succession after each other. It's a care package glitch....you can get care packages over and over and over and over and over. If you didn't know about the glitch, you would just think the other team is ass raping you...in reality, they are spawning multiple care packages are using the goodies as fast as they can deploy them. So yes, you have played many games, and never noticed a glitch...because you were never aware of them. They exist in PS3 land...you just didn't know about it.
  17. Have you been drinking? Am I carrying on a conversation with a drug addict? You present your 'facts', they get shot down or you totally refuse to acknowledge you were wrong, and then you just switch to something else like nothing happened. Have fun with that.
  18. and so is everyone in america who has health insurance!!! Omg
  19. You're doing this to yourself at this point. Here you go:
  20. Oh I already read section 3116. That's what I was basing my comments on. Did you? Because if you had, you would see that no where in there are federal employees EXEMPT from this healthcare.
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