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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Drug test payment question has been answered. I also agree with the birth control. If you're getting assistance, you obviously can't take care of yourself or your family. How the fuck are you going to take care of ANOTHER human being?
  2. Welfare recipients need to be drug tested too...going somewhat off topic. I'm not a fan of giving people free money to live off of for the rest of their live (vs. helping them get back on their feet). The LEAST the government could do is assure that the people getting the $$ actually deserve it and can function (drug free) in the work place. You wanna smoke a lil rock? Go do it with your own money.
  3. Not necessarily. If people still want to ride them, they can become 'rare' and collectible. $7500 for an 09 XB12 is not out of pocket by any means.
  4. Tod at the IMS show with his inflatable Honda penis
  5. I went to Honda today. Almost pulled the trigger on the EXO 1000, but the only colors they had in my size were silver and blue. Want vs. Need. It wasn't a priority..so I left it there.
  6. I had a brand new 06 ZX10. Horrible fade..but you only saw it when riding hard. It was the MC. It happens to new bikes too...garbage in, garbage out.
  7. That can be attributed to something wrong with the master cylinder as well.
  8. SS lines do reduce bulge...but the percentage difference between SS and rubber is really small. There was a test somewhere out there in Al Gore's internet invention..where the brake lines were connected to an external machine to pressurize them. An old rubber line, a new rubber line and an ss line were tested. The result was like 1% difference between the new SS line and the new rubber line. My lines were colored red, which produces the best stopping power.
  9. Did you get any points for it? A semi-good lawyer could have fought that ticket. Hell, you could have represented yourself and fought that ticket. Some LEO's..not all...rely on the public to be ignorant of the law.
  10. But maybe he already has access to wireless networks and doesn't need the broadband card? Regardless...I heard he was planning to do bad things with this laptop.
  11. I had Galfer on my 06, along with the ZX14 calipers. They were great. Almost too good.
  12. You sir, should be banned. No Buell jokes either. I'll own you in the corners. Isn't that what Buell's marketing dept. said?!?!
  13. Don't sell it to him. He's a terrorist, and will use it to do bad things.
  14. Does anyone have any pictures of the 11 or 12 industry executives getting arrested in the FBI's sting operation?
  15. The change coming in November can be predicted rather easily. Midterm elections rarely ever go well for the President's party....Rep or Dem. Of course the Dems will make excuses, and the Reps will say they were right...but the reality is ...history is repeating itself. Like it always does.
  16. Not so fun if they call the police...they show up at your door, and you get a ticket for discharging a firearm within the city...not to mention one or two other charges. Get a high quality recording of a gun shot and play that. When the cops show up, say that you were playing MW 2. Probably not gonna fly, but slightly less trouble than discharging a firearm.
  17. I can't get a game on Live without fricken lag. Now they're going to add more crap.
  18. My sister had it once. She wanted to die. Good luck the face herpes. (Just messin with ya)
  19. And the act of turning them off if you see the po po might be enough to him/her to say the light was flashing. Damned if you....damned if you don't.
  20. InyaAzz

    iPhone OS 4.0

    I understand that policy....I don't like it, but from a support standpoint I understand it. I don't use IE. It's usually FireFox for me. But yeah...corporate America is stuck on MS like it was crack.
  21. It's not illegal. It's only illegal if it flashes or strobes. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  22. You will soon learn that we don't care. Enjoy your stay!!!!
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