Well, I thought that it wasn't suppose to rain until later tonight. As I'm leaving the office, my boss says, "Oh! You're on your bike today. You should have left a long time ago to get home before the storm gets in." I wished Mr Ganahl would have said that earlier! Anyway, as soon as I get on 70 off of 270 on the west side, down comes the rain. I pull up under the bridge at Hilliard and there's this dude on his bike. He's heading home to Dayton, I think that's what he said. He said he was stationed at Rickenbacker if I heard him correctly. I suggested we get on 40 and keep going west. That way we'd be off the highway and still keep riding towards home. My gas light started blinkin' in West Jefferson and then started bitchin' just north of London. At this point I only had about 7 or 8 miles to go and figured I'd syphon the gas out of one of Mark's bikes when I got home . Long story short, or actually short story shorter, It was my first ride in heavy rain. I avoided it long enough I suppose and it was going to happen sooner or later. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and it was nice to have another rider beside me until I got home. I didn't catch his name and if he happens to be a member of this forum, I hope you made it home to Dayton alright.