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Everything posted by Speed

  1. Speed


    > U :tongue: :+1:
  2. Another flavor to consider http://www.fuelinmoto.com.au/
  3. Pretty sure I'll be there.
  4. Speed


    ... when you're feeling froggy
  5. Speed


    Welcome fellow newb.
  6. fellow new guy. No cbrgirl ? :tongue:
  7. I just noticed there doesn't seem to be a post timer
  8. Does it come with a ban stick ?
  9. ^^^^ Nice work I'm gonna have to pick up the pace - we gotta figure out the count to get rid of the F%## New Guy title
  10. Thanks for the welcome! This rain beats the hell out of the snow, but I'm ready for some sun
  11. How many posts to get rid of the FNG title ?
  12. Hey All, I just signed up today. I ride a Ducati 748S that I bought new in '01. I'm up for rides or whatever. See ya out there
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