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Everything posted by badseed02

  1. your mom is so fat when i went to her house she fixed me a pizza as big a a wagon wheel
  2. your moms forehead is so bigg... how big is it?? your moms forehead is so big she dosent have dreams she has movies..
  3. i really want to but you stole my month but i think you should put the pic from mid ohio on one of the months minus the nut shot lol
  4. i hear those words alot but its please dont stop lol

  5. not all people from ky are hilljacks i just got that maybe were just slow..........damnit
  6. you dont have to hit nuts all you gotta do is graze the nuts its even worse. she would have been soaked when i got up
  7. your so fat you dont walk you slide
  8. your breath is so bad you could give ear infections over the phone
  9. the forever classic when you cant think of nothing off the head "your mom"
  10. some drift team we are huh? had a blast guys wish i could have stayed the night. instead i had to race a mustang home guess who won that one ....thats right the car.......
  11. man that bullshit stupid yosh cans........why put a silencer in there
  12. hey everyone just finally learned how to navg through this site and do some stuff if anyone knows how i can get that damn silencer out of the yosh carbon fiber pipe please let me know i hear more engine noise than pipe someone told me i have to drill a hole oh well do what i gotta do huh??
  13. can anyone say who wants to be smarter than a fifth grader
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