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Posts posted by KentStateTsi

  1. what was the magic word to let you in? Just smile real big?


    Something the OB said on Thursday got me approval to be in there. The staff we discussed the situation with seemed surprised that they wouldn’t let me in initially.


    Either way, I’m stoked to have our first boy. Three girls worth of hatchimals that can be purged sooner.

  2. I would call and re-clarify this. My wife got an internal email at St. Anns that doesn't jive with this.


    We’ve been back and fourth with Westar and the hospital about this a few times today. The only give we’ve had is them willing to reschedule the cesarean to a later date. How that helps me be in the room for birth is beyond me.

  3. That is a bummer for certain, but realistically just one more frustration/hardship/difficulty associated with Pandemic 2020 life. Add it to the pile.




    Unfortunately my pile is high enough after losing my mother two months ago at OSU. Where I could go wherever I wanted during that time. Sorry, just super fired up about this.

  4. Were you not chosen as the support person? Or did they change policy and not update their page?





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    I am the support person. This morning’s phone call from St Ann labor and delivery said I am not allowed to be present per management decision. The OB has stated he is okay with me being there but ultimately it isn’t his call.

  5. I am now unable to be there for the birth of my son on Friday. EAD Dewine and anyone that didn’t work towards fixing the Ohio Health/VA agreement. If we were able to deliver in Delaware like the last one, I’d be allowed there.
  6. Former Harry Reid staffer led zoom session today. Was involved with initial ACA rollout. Mandate will fall by SCOTUS but majority will remain. If blue sweep there are plans to slowly remove employers ability to offer health insurance as part of a benefits package.
  7. Somehow Blackwing is opening up the clay ranges. A place where a majority of the land area is restricted for shot and falling targets. Them damn rednecks and their tracks are going to wait though.
  8. I don’t have any good answers, only observations from my time in the Army. While an incredibly small portion of society, I still believe general constructs and behaviors are similar enough to make those statements. What I’m getting at is this: People want to work and have been living as advised for a few weeks now. That stimulus check is going to be spent faster than a tax return and will not support a large portion of the population through May/June. Similar in fashion to how much of our criminal deterrents no longer work. If there aren’t examples of specific enforcement, those people that want/need to work/find work will do so without regard.
  9. Didn’t you say something about being in the military for quite a while? The greatest social experiment on earth. You know that policing everyone for actions of a few will just push more of those that usually fall in line to disregard these regulations. If we’re all subject to the same action, why not do what we want right?
  10. I would also look around the whole worldometer site. Maybe when this is over people will remember those other things that kill people. The other things that aren’t necessarily first world problems.
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