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Posts posted by Nick

  1. The rider knew he was caught. 3 minutes into the vid, you can see him move his body right twice and then to the left to check his mirrors to confirm the unmarked and marked car following him. Then he turns around and visually looks to reconfirm.


    Do you think he can hear what the officer is saying with a bike running and a full face helmet on? the camera picks it up, but i doubt the rider can hear.


    What did the cop do wrong? he assisted in the arrest of someone breaking the law. many of you know what an unmarked car looks like, and you know it when they are following you.


    had the cyclist caused an injury accident and got away, everyone of you would be "wheres the cops" "that guy needs prison raped" blah blah blah

  2. carwin will be the undisputed HW champion for quite some time.... Lesnar hasnt fought anyone with the strength, agility, speed, and power of Carwin. And fedor cant compete with any wrestler, hes like a fish out of water on his back. I think fedor is getting too old to compete in HW in UFC, He is/was a legend, but his time is passing.....
  3. Greg. He doesnt coach/train, and he lifts at westside. I just run into him occasionally.


    I don't use any belts or "shirts" just a normal t-shirt. I am by no means trying to break any records or compete. I usually workout/lift for stress relief and overall fitness. At 30, you don't care about beach muscles

  4. I've plateau'd at 365, any more hurts my elbows. A guy i lift with benches 850+ on a regular basis, and hes 6' 240. I'm 5'11, 200, yet have no interest in increasing my bench. I'm almost 30, an she doesnt care how much I bench, just as long as i look good naked.


    Good luck in reaching your goals, sounds like steven has helped out you guys pretty well.

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