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Posts posted by CBRRider

  1. i like photography. it'd be nice to have a slr camera w/an assortment of lenses.

    but...i dont. so i stick to my sony point & shoot, it gets the job done. :)

  2. do you run a sprocket set on your bike? that is a 600 right?

    No, I have stock gearing, 15/43.

    I do lower my tire pressure though, to about 15-29 psi.

  3. Yeah, no shit! Why your happy ass have to be way the hell up in LIMA? :roll: :tongue:

    Unfortunately in Lima for school, but as soon as I'm done I'm headed back to northern VA.

  4. Do you use an SLR camera?

    I'd love to have somebody shoot some pictures, though I'd have to make my way to dayton.

    my camera is just a sony point & shoot so all my motion shots come out burrrruy. :dunno:


    booooo :wtf:

  5. cutting them isnt so bad.

    my RR is a streetfighter, but i did cut the fairings for when i do want to use them. not so bad really, just used a laser pointer and a dremel, out come is a nice, clean cut.

  6. I'm definitely NOT a fad rider or willing to do something that I'm uncomfortable with to be cool. fuck you, fuck him, fuck everyone, i'll do as i please. I rode today for my first time, only for about 30 minutes as I had to go somewhere, but I got up to about 35mph and did some turns and whatnot, this is gonna be fun. Only thing me and my buddies noticed was that I shifted way early, and the bike was kinda chugging, you know? And I wasn't sure if I held the gas through the shifts or not, so I kinda backed off and that made the shifts not so smooth. oh well. I'm set to spend an hour tomorrow, and then all day friday/saturday. I can say it was scary but very exciting at the same time. I had no problem with balancing or starting. Only thing I had some confusion on was finding neutral when coasting to a stop. That 1 down, 1/2 up thing is something i gotta catch on to.

    all in all a good day.

    haha dude thats good, first i wasnt calling YOU a fad rider, or a squid, i've never met you. so chill.

    sounds like you enjoyed it. dont worry about the shifting and finding neautral, smoothness comes with seat time.

  7. I'm in Lima, so it's a bit far to help, but..

    Are you clutching or powering up your wheelies?

    Use the staggered stance, right foot covering the brake at all time, left foot on the passenger peg. It'll feel wierd at first, but once the front end comes up close to the balance point you'll understand why its more comfortable. I've been practicing and trying to learn standups myself.

    Im sticking to first gear, for now. I prefer first gear for two reasons, first being that there is more engine braking, second 2nd gear wheels are generally pretty fast, 50+ mph. Id rather have a spill at 15-20 then 50.

    Roll to about 15 mph or so, slip the clutch and rev to about 10k, front end up comes up smoothly. just cover the brake.

    maybe if im in columbus sometime we can practice, i havent been able to find a decent spot to practice in lima.

  8. I do the same thing. I get pissed at the person in front of me if they take too long to go after the light turns or the car in front of them starts to move. The worst is just not being able to make it so i have to catch myself right before taking off. lol It's like a game almost.

    +1 I think of it as a game also. A few times I was completely stopped it felt like I swear and when I finally got to move I was thinking, "Damn, that was a GOOD ONE!" :D

    Size me up lol I've got chicken strips. I'm still running the stock Dunslops and don't trust them for shit after feeling them slip a bit too much for my liking. Those will hopefully get replaced in the next couple of months.

    Michelin Pilot Powers man....they just won't bust loose I swear.

    I got my strips to the sidewall, so I'm good to go. Pilot Powers will make it easy too. :cool:


    thats fantastic! nice job bro. I'd love to have a set of pilot powers. It's great to hear other people pushing to control the bike at low speeds.

    Here's a a thing I used to practice. Get rolling at about 25mph, drop it in neutral and see if you can bring the bike to a complete stop with no hands just using the rear brake. Sounds easier then it is.

    i love balance & acrobatic tricks :)

    Size me up lol I've got chicken strips. I'm still running the stock Dunslops and don't trust them for shit after feeling them slip a bit too much for my liking. Those will hopefully get replaced in the next couple of months.

    Thats fine man, I know it takes time believe me. I'm running dunlop 208's, although I'd kill for some pilot powers, I make the dunlops work. Take your time, baby steps.

  9. not feelin the lights, but uhh, cool

    I got'cho back homie! :evil: :wink: I'm not a light guy either. They were big in the 90's on bikes and cars, but I never felt them back then either. Same with any bling or big rims on cars. :supergay: Just my opinion, so I'm not looking to get flamed.

    Nice katana though, enjoy that sucker. :cool:

    great, im so tired of seeing trashy over sized wheels on a cars, along with alteza lights, shitty stereo's, and "thugged" out drivers.

    i saw a kawi zx6r the other day, with two speakers under each of the clip ons. the best part was the squidly rider, no gloves, no lid, and matching silver sunglasses for the bike. and enough chicken strips to feed a family of 10.


    oh lights will never appeal to me, unless its super subtle

    Dude you just made me smile...lol

    haha cool man, to continue on & more in depth of my earlier rant, i was a tad fired up after my ride today.

    Being a squid really isnt about what gear you wear. It's more so about riding ability imo. I will be first to admit i dont always wear my jacket. BUT, i always have gloves and a helmet on.

    I see guys on brand new gixxers, kawi's, ducati's, and unfortunately some times honda, all rockin the "sexiest" and most "badass" shit. anyway, i see them unable to balance the motorbike at extremely low speeds, having to drag their feet while taking off (thumbs down) and large chicken strips.

    I see this on a daily basis, and its frustrating to find so many "fad" riders on bikes they have no business being near.


  10. lol, hopefully mine come off fast. :D

    Take your time, if you are new to riding learn proper body posistion, and technique.

    To be perfectly honest thats part of the way i size up riders ive just met. I dont say much, just observe the tires.

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