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Posts posted by CBRRider

  1. not feelin the lights, but uhh, cool

    I got'cho back homie! :evil: :wink: I'm not a light guy either. They were big in the 90's on bikes and cars, but I never felt them back then either. Same with any bling or big rims on cars. :supergay: Just my opinion, so I'm not looking to get flamed.

    Nice katana though, enjoy that sucker. :cool:

    great, im so tired of seeing trashy over sized wheels on a cars, along with alteza lights, shitty stereo's, and "thugged" out drivers.

    i saw a kawi zx6r the other day, with two speakers under each of the clip ons. the best part was the squidly rider, no gloves, no lid, and matching silver sunglasses for the bike. and enough chicken strips to feed a family of 10.


    oh lights will never appeal to me, unless its super subtle

  2. welcome

    back roads in dayton, where? i moved to lima not to long ago and have been dying to hit a twisty road.

    Thanks for the welcomes. CBRRider, NinjaNick is right as far as where we ride. If you don't mind the ride we meet about 20 miles south of me and I am 80 miles south of Lima. I know that as my son is in school at Univ of Toledo and Lima is 1/2 way.

    There are some decent roads down around Urbana and Bellfountaine. Check it out on mapquest.

    hmm ill take a look, thanks.

  3. get an arrr arrr. my only complaints are the lack of storage space, and the seat is quite rough after a few hours on it.

    tribal 600RR


    ehh, im not a huge fan of the orange tribal.. :roll: black ftw

  4. I dont think that honda polish is going to fix your tank


    Seeing stunters do that to their tanks makes me :cry: especially since it's a Honda. I imagine there's not many people manufacturing stunt tanks though.

    why? its not so bad..

    this is just my stunt tank. I also have my stock tank and cover which look really nice. I picked up the metal tank for like 50$ off ebay, along with the all black cover. Should look nice when its all done, going to paint the metal flat black and throw some grip tape down.

    oh and btw, yeah you dont see to many dented tanks on rr's. kinda sucks having the tank fairing, it doesn't mold very easily, i tried and it wasn't comfortable at all.

    honda polish ftw

  5. lmfao.

    hate to break it to all you leghumpers out there, im a dude.

    as for the pink. i love it, its not all that common, and it stands out. i made the pink Astar's & Honda decal on my lid.

    as for my bike. well it looks like it does in the picture, except for this..


    and this two bro's




    - Any day you ride is a good day.

    - Your other vehicle is a truck with motorcycle ramps in it.

    - You don't think its a good party till someone rides his or her bike in and does doughnuts in the living room.

    - You wake up next to your girl and your first thought is if your bike will start.

    - Your coffee table collapses from the weight of motorcycle magazines on it.

    - You throw a party and more bikes show up than cars.

    yupp. :)

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