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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. See if you likey? http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee75/pickupsplus/TransAm012-1.jpg
  2. Right off riverside in anyone of the pull offs or park areas is always a decent shot.
  3. Given specific areas, the person, their movement, their actions, I would say that 90% of the shootings are justified. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. When you look at the reports, the media loves to spin the story around to make you believe the "unarmed suspect" was 100% innocent. Granted I saw your comment on the 30 rounds into a suspect aswell. Given most situations, adrenaline is running so high with most law enforcement officers is the reason why their triggers were pulled that many times.
  4. Those retards deserve an anthrax sammich on rye.
  5. You have opened the box son....................................................I challange you!
  6. Still looks gayer than a priest with 2 boys. Cannonball Run > *
  7. Thermal Weapons Site FTW! :thumbup: Can't hide from thermals.
  8. http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/8924/mastacheifunmaskedjoybe3.jpg
  9. Hmmmmmmmmmmm........................then pics are a must. I've been up there a time or 10.
  10. PS- Also needed are pics of said girls. Thanks-Management.
  11. Remember: When in doubt, pull out.
  12. It stings like a sumbitch depending on the voltage. If it's cranked up you'll go limp quick.
  13. Good, someone was about to get tazed.
  14. I found this to be true, if you frequent a bar, you don't want to shit wear you eat. Meaning, if these broads go to the same bar you do on a regular basis, you might not want to knock a home run.
  15. That's what the meeting section is for. Now go sit in the corner.
  16. You're going to get your dick wet, stop worrying about minor details. Remember, go in it, to win it.
  17. For Brian http://photos-b.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-snc1/v573/104/93/1333510790/n1333510790_30160137_5257.jpg
  18. Awaiting the arrival of the "stock" hood. Amazing plate :thumbup:
  19. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y182/daw1180/1221227996440.jpg
  20. Get an 8.8 ready. Might wanna hit the swap meet up this weekend, you'll probably need it.
  21. Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey Xray Yankee Zulu
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