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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. M16/M4 I usually shoot 36-38 out of 40. Anything above 90% is expert enough to my standards.
  2. The kids and firearms question can ALWAYS go back to parenting. From early on I knew not to touch my dad's firearms, for fear of getting my ass whooped in the least bit. But from early on I was told never to touch them, but ALSO I was properly taught firearms safety. Finger never on trigger, and making sure the weapon was unloaded. I really hope the NRA fires back at this one full force.
  3. I know, I wanted the contrast in videos and to show how hot she is.
  4. Last bit, if you plan on a story, please give both sides an equal opportunity to provide their side. Hell FX, (Fox) had the life swapping show when a gun hater lived with a gun lover. And funny thing, she came around when she saw responsibility in reality. I can understand that ABC is scared to stray away from their liberal, pro-democratic stance on firearms, because RESPONSIBLE firearm owners will show that they are RESPONSIBLE with their given RIGHT. It's stories like this that really show how really un-educated and down right stupid looking these gun hating liberals really are.
  5. I should've expected nothing less from ABC and their liberal filth. To start off their "guns in America" story on 20/20, they said the story is not about the political position on Guns. Funny thing, not one responsible gun owner, NRA spokesman, hunter, or any other firearm owner was interviewed or asked. The report was filled with anti-gun lobbyists, shooting incidents, and sob stories of "victims" from firearms. I love their practical exercise didn't have one trained individual, and only focused on the law enforcement side. After this bullshit, they interview a kid that lives in one of the lowest income areas of Florida and talks of all the drugs and violence. To help fuel more fire, the proceed to a gun show to rant and rave how easy you can buy a firearm at a gun show. A kicker they showed the tape of the man from Ohio, that hit an armed theif running out of a hotel. Yet the only thing they said was how close he shot to a mother and child. The whole show spread the filth of President Obama do this, President Obama help us, President Obama outlaw guns. For a non-poltical hour program, they sure blew that. I will be emailing ABC, in hopes that more responsible firearm owners like myself will voice their opinions umong anger. The program only fuels fear mongering and anti-gun propaganda. If you can suppress your anger, watch it if you can. I'm more than disgusted by this program, but again what do you expect out of these liberal, un-educated media networks.
  6. I think it's legal in most big cities
  7. I can't eat meat today, I'm catholic...............when I want to be.
  8. This Jessica? Or this Jessica?
  9. Does this civic have a full interior and AC?
  10. What I did/kinda still do for Uncle Sugar. I also have access to more fun weapons, at certain locations. This is a small detonation when I was in OIF 1 http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2663/104/93/1333510790/n1333510790_30293388_6081073.jpg That was roughly about 15 pounds of composition 4, and the way you can tell is due to the flash from initial detonation of the blasting caps.
  11. Think I'll watch more zombie movies and become more paranoid of zombie attacks.
  12. My shit be W, for wide. Don't step in this foot print.
  13. I will do this in boots! I got athlete's foot and I don't mean the fungus type dawg. Got my Mickey Thompson E.T soles on, and my ARP laces keeping everything tight. Best watch out.
  14. Anyone going? I like the Revolutionary style idea, maybe folks are starting to grow balls for once. I might actually join in on this: http://shotsonthehouse.com/?page_id=1334
  15. Would anyone really cry if he did?
  16. Not hood rich, because I'm the king.
  17. Cleanest LX vert I've seen in a grip, not to mention 44K miles is amazing. Keeps it clean.
  18. It's hard when you live your life 20 feet at a time. For that 8.5 seconds, I'm free.
  19. Think I could walk through?
  20. Houston = Lots of highway to play with. Good video.
  21. 750 RWHP 3500lbs (give or take) Vehicle Weight Your Power:Weight Ratio is 1 : 4.7 This means that for every 4.7 pounds of weight on your vehicle, you have 1 horsepower. So for every 4.7 pounds of weight you remove from your vehicle, you will feel the effects of an additional 1 horsepower, although your actual peak horsepower will not change. The math is there. 1/4 mile calculator http://robrobinette.com/et.htm
  22. I think this is feasible @ Kilkare.
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