I should've expected nothing less from ABC and their liberal filth. To start off their "guns in America" story on 20/20, they said the story is not about the political position on Guns. Funny thing, not one responsible gun owner, NRA spokesman, hunter, or any other firearm owner was interviewed or asked. The report was filled with anti-gun lobbyists, shooting incidents, and sob stories of "victims" from firearms. I love their practical exercise didn't have one trained individual, and only focused on the law enforcement side. After this bullshit, they interview a kid that lives in one of the lowest income areas of Florida and talks of all the drugs and violence. To help fuel more fire, the proceed to a gun show to rant and rave how easy you can buy a firearm at a gun show. A kicker they showed the tape of the man from Ohio, that hit an armed theif running out of a hotel. Yet the only thing they said was how close he shot to a mother and child.
The whole show spread the filth of President Obama do this, President Obama help us, President Obama outlaw guns. For a non-poltical hour program, they sure blew that. I will be emailing ABC, in hopes that more responsible firearm owners like myself will voice their opinions umong anger. The program only fuels fear mongering and anti-gun propaganda. If you can suppress your anger, watch it if you can. I'm more than disgusted by this program, but again what do you expect out of these liberal, un-educated media networks.